Instant Regret - Part 4

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(Dakotas POV)

I waited, for what felt like an eternity. I could feel the ground shake occasionally in the distance, but they were to far away for me to see anything. There was no chance I was going to be able to bust though these glass doors, whatever that gas was really messed me up, everything was still kinda hazy and if I stood to long I'd go dizzy. So the only thing I could do was sit, wait, and hope.

Eventually the ground shook again, but this time much closer, but I couldn't see anything. Then I could see the foot of the robots hatch opened, Ryan ran out of it, followed by Harris and Spyder. And I still was confused how the robot is invisible. 

"Are you okay!" He yells, hands on the glass. I nodded, relieved that everyone seemed to be okay 

"Morris locked both doors." I said as, for some reason, all three boys were pulling on the same handle. "I can't unlock them from inside."

"Stand back!" Ryan says taking a few steps back, raising his hand with a mech-link. He used the laser feature on the mech-links to cut a circle in the glass big enough for me to step through. The glass fell inward, shattering at my feet. "Here!" Ryan reached a hand in the new hole in the door. I hesitated, before taking it, so he could help pull me out, carefully stepping over the shattered glass. "You're sure you're—" I didn't let him finish, the second I was pulled from the door, I had thrown my self into a hug. He was taken back a bit, probably expected be a punch or a slap instead. Not that he didn't deserve it.

"So I'd take it you're okay?" He asks, I could almost fell him smiling against my shoulder. I reached for both Spyder and Harris to join us.

"As okay as I could be right now." I answered taking a step back after a second. "What happened?"

"We destroyed the missile, and Harper." Ryan smiles, looking at Spyder and Harris.

"You did it!" I was relieved. "Oh I'm so happy. That's- thats incredible."

"What happened to you?" Spyder asks, all three of them sort of looking be up and down, noticing how much of a wreck I was. 

"I don't remember it all." I shrug. "I woke up in the morning, Kendall had to leave for work, so I was staying home. Next thing I remember was starting to wake up, I thought I must have fallen asleep, but when I actually looked around, I was not in my house. Just a completely empty room, and a door sealed shut. After a while, Harper came in. Just gloating about how he had won. After he left, some grey smoke came from the vent. Had an odd smell, had to of knocked me right out. I woke up again, in the same room. The smell had started to die down, and I could see light coming from a crack in the door, I guess whatever that smoke was started to leave the room, after someone opened it."

"I think I opened it." Ryan says. "I knew you were in there somewhere, so any door with an electronic lock on it, I used my power to open them."

"That was really smart." Harris says. 

"Yeah I knew Harper had you in there somewhere, and if that didn't work, after we took care of business I was going to turn that building upside down."

"Thank you." I say. "You do also know you could have just cut the handle off, you didn't have to cut a massive hole in the door."

"I realize that now, but it was more dramatic that way."


I let the guys convince me to let them take me back to robot and make sure I was okay. I was slowly feeling stronger and less dizzy, but they wanted to be one hundred percent sure. Ryan had stayed in the same corner of the med-bay the entire time, looking on while Spyder tried his best to help Harris. 

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