Superman - (Alternate Regret Ending - DRC)

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After the team defeats Traeger, Kota can't bring herself to go give her mech-link back to the team, especially since she and Kendall are wanting to leave. She leaves a note a runs. 

(Ryan's POV)

"She never came, huh?" Spyder says. The four of us had met at the robot after we had defeated Harper, just to spend the rest of the night together after finally taking down Harper. I wanted Dakota there, I knew she hadn't unblocked my number, but I texted, called and left a message anyway. 

"She was never going to come." I said sadly, "Even though I asked her too. I don't know what I was expecting."

"She'll come back." Mark tries his best to be 'comforting'. 

"Yeah, sure she will."


"Mark?" I say as we rounded the corner towards out house. I looked past it, over to Dakotas. "Something looks wrong."

"What is it?" Mark asks. 

"Their house, looks, dead in a way?" I noticed the car was gone. The welcome mat, gone. Blinds were all shut, every single one. Which was very out of the ordinary, Dakota loves the natural sunlight. We got out of the car, I just stood outside the passenger door, looking over across the lawn. 

"You don't think... she left?" Mark wonders from the other side of the car. 

"She might have." I say before speeding to the front door and up the stairs to my room, Mark followed me. I open my blinds to look across to her room. The window was open, blinds too, but there was nothing on the other side. "She did." Mark stood over my shoulder, looking at what I saw. I powered up the gravity shoes I was wearing, stepping up on the window sill.

"What are you doing?" Mark asks, grabbing my shoulder.

"She left her window open for a reason, I know it." I shrugged him off, "I'm going over there." I glanced between our two houses to check and make sure the coast was clear, before pushing off to the other wall, crawling inside. The other window was shut, blinds close so was the door and the light was off. Everything was gone except her mech-link, a small piece of paper, laid in the middle of the room. I picked them up, just holding them in my hand, Mark yelling from my room,

"What did you find?" I jumped back to through my window holding the note and mech-link. 

"All that's left of her." I say, showing him the stuff. 

"Well geez, don't say it like that." Mark says. "That doesn't mean she's like, actually gone."

"Sorry Ry that you had to find out this way. (Assuming you're the one who found this) It's best for me, in the long run best for all of us. Love you guys  -Kota." I read off the note. "Sure about that? This is insane. For her to leave this quick."

"Maybe she's not gone forever?" Mark suggests. 

"She was never going to be here forever." I remind him. "They weren't moving here, that house was never theirs, they rented it. The plan was always to go back to South Carolina."

"We don't know that's where she went." He continues.

"Where else could she have gone?"


A couple of weeks had passed, nothing had happened. Dakotas social medias went dry again, she wouldn't answer a phone call or text. Harris had been hard at work trying to find anything, anything at all. All this tracking Seth Harper and Grey was coming in handy. He was just trying to figure out where she went. 

"Ryan!" Harris screams from his lab. The other three boys were lying around the X-Deck when Harris screamed. "I got her! I really found her!"

"You said that last week when it was really someone in China pretending to be her online." I yelled back. 

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