Home again (Y/N)

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Time/Episode: Summer before Ryan, Harris and Spyders senior year

MC(s) - y/n

Summary and/or pre rec- y/n is Ryan and Marks childhood best friend that lived next door to them since they were little kids, she moved to another state for  two years with her dad who was relocated through his job in the army. She's comes back early August before Ryans junior year, Mark has graduated and is in college, making Ryan 17, Mark 19. The team never told y/n about the robot. Harris, Spyder and Mark wanted to tell her while Ryan refused.

(Ryans POV)

August 7th before junior year was the day both me and y/n had been counting down the days since the the end of our Freshman year when me, my brother, Spyder, Harris and Veracity dropped her off at the airport. And today was that day.

"Alright t-minus two hours until we leave to meet y/n at the airport." I said joining my mom and brother Mark at the table for breakfast.

"Oh my god, today is August 7th isn't it?" Mark said.

"Did you forget?" I asked.

"Im joking, I'm joking." Mark laughed. "How could I forget, you've only been talking about it everyday for two years."

"You better be joking." I answered. "You aren't coming mom?"

"Yeah I have to work a little bit today but I'll be home when you get back." She said leaving the table. My phone then vibrated with a text from our group chat with all of us in it, except y/n, it was Harris texting 

"We're here"

The text read. I got up from the table to open the door for Harris, Spyder and Veracity. 

"We got everything." Spyder said helping the others carry in baskets of y/ns favorite things.

"Yup, favorite drinks, candies, chips, and flowers." Veracity said shutting the door.

"Wow you kids went all out." My mom said from the kitchen, 

"Correction, Ryan went all out, this was his idea." Harris corrected.

"Sounds about right." My mom said grabbing her purse. "I will see you kids when you get back okay," 

"Bye mom." Mark and I said in unison.

Those two hours couldn't go by quick enough. We sat out the gifts for y/n before piling in to Marks car and driving to the airport


(y/n POV)

I spent the four hour flight looking at old videos and pictures of me and my friends that they had put on a flash drive for me as a going away present when I left. And slipped my cookies from the plane in to my backpack for Spyder on my way out. My dad and I made our way to baggage claim as I scanned the faces of every single person around me looking for just a familiar face. It probably would of been easier just to look for a guy wearing a flannel shirt. My bag came out first and I stood next my dad waiting for  his bag.

"Is your finger broken?" He asked out of no where.

"Hm?" I said looking up from the floor.

"You been cracking that same finger since we landed." He said stepping forward to grab his bags from the conveyor belt.

"I can't stop." I sighed as he stood by my side and we walked towards the pick up area. "I'm just scared to seem how much everything has changed since we left."

"Well I'm sure things have changed, I mean so have you, but your friends have stuck by you, I'm sure everything is going to be okay." He said trying to reassure me. I nodded but we both fell to silence as we stepped outside. I was scanning the cars pulling up until I turned my head, and about fifteen cars down the line of cars waiting to pick up family, I spotted the headlights of Marks green car. I let go of my suitcase, dropping my bag at my dads feet sprinting in that direction. The drivers and passengers door opened, Mark stepped out out of the drivers and Ryan stepped out of the passenger onto the sidewalk in front of me, Harris, Veracity and Spyder began to pile out of the backseat. Sprinting full speed, Squealing at the same time, Ryan caught me as I jumped into a hug. The rest of the team surrounded us in a group hug. Just before I put my feet back on the ground I said quietly trying to hold back tears,

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