Instant Regret (Alternative Ending to 'Regret') - Part 1 (DRC)

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⚠️I really recommend reading Regret before this, but you could probably try and make sense of it if you haven't lol⚠️

Time/episodes: "Let's Destroy some Ooze/Let's End This"

MC(s)- Dakota Rose Cooper

Summary and/or pre rec- basically an alternative ending to 'Regret' so if you haven't read the ending you probably would be okay to read this (considering it's an alternate.)

Dakota left the robot after Ryan abandoned her, they couldn't get her back before Harper got to her first. Now the have to save her and the brothers mom.

(Ryans POV)

Spyder, Harris, Mark and I, somewhat early in the morning, were all sitting on the couch in the X-deck, watching the news broadcast on what happened last night.

"And in act of cowardliness, Mech-X4 fled the scene." Godfrey, the news reporter which all of us hate said. "I always said that things was dangerous, so the lesson is. I'm always right." I shook my head as I flipped the channel to a live press conference with Seth Harper.

"I was one of Mech-X4s biggest supporters, and I was wrong." The lying, deceiving piece of trash said. "For that I am sorry, Now I don't know what the substance under the school is, but I have met with the mayor, and I promise you I will remove it, and I will, rebuild Bay City High. Go Llamas!" I had enough and turned off the Tv.

"Okay so he makes us look like the villains, and then the city, just handed him the ooze." I ranted.

"He played us." Harris said.

"Things couldn't get any-" Spyder began till Mark cut him off.

"Don't!" Mark said. "Your about to say things can't get any worse, and every time someone says that, it gets worse." Then things did when Marks phone rang. Mark showed me his phone, which was being called by our mom. "It's mom." I technopathicly answered the phone for him.

"Honey are you with Ryan?" Mom asked.

"Yes." Mark stuttered.

"Hi mom." I said.

"I've been trying to reach you for hours are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah we're fine." I said. "How's northwest fest?"

"You think I'd stay there with a crazy robot on the loose?" She questioned. "Thankfully Seth sent a helicopter to bring me back."

"Mom," I asked standing up, "where are you?"

"Harper Futuristics." She said sounding relieved. "Seth said it's the safest place in the city. Where are you know he'll send a car." I panicked and almost spilled our secrets until Harper jumped on the phone.

"Mom no, Harper is,"

"Happy to help." Seth said. "Where are you guys, you know what, I'll grab a pen." Harper changed his tone of voice, after clearly walking away from my mom with the phone. "Did you really think you could just walk around inside my head with out me learning your secrets?"

"What?" I asked. "You know?"

"You, your friends, the robot." He said, "you want them back? Come and get them." I looked at Mark who was absolutely terrified.

"He has mom. Wait a minute, why did he say 'them'?" Mark asked.  It was then I realized he had said 'them'.

"No, no, no, no, wait guys," I said with my hand over my mouth. "Dakota. He has Dakota." I watched the fear spread across both Harris and Spyder's face. "And it's all my fault!"

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