Superman, Part 2 - (DRC)

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(Ryans POV)

"This has got to be some form of illegal." Mark says. We had found our way to L.A and found the school. "We can't just walk around this campus like we go here. We barely know this guy how are we going to find her. We don't even know if she's here."

"As true as all of those statements may, or may not be, you aren't helping!" I said back. 

"So what's your plan then?" He asks. 

"Trying to find someone on the campus that knows him." I say as we walked up the stairs towards a building. 

"Like his brother?" Harris asks. 

"Yeah... wait his brother?" I followed his line of sight through the glass doors, there he was. Not only was Lucas there, Kendall was there. "They're here too? Come on." The followed me through the doors, that when Kendall noticed me.

"Looks like everyone is sneaking off to L.A today." She says, hint of annoyance and anger in her voice. She definitely knows what I did. 

"Okay, what is going on?" Lucas asks. 

"These are Kotas friends from Bay City." Kendall answers him. "How'd you know we were here?"

"Lots of social media stocking, it's a long story." I said. "I know you sort of, probably hate me, but is Dakota here?"

"I hope so." She answers. "We don't know. She was supposed to be at the house." 

"Supposed to be?" Mark asks. 

"Yeah, they were supposed to be, and when we got back they weren't." Her boyfriend says. "All of us were visiting my parents. The two of us went out for lunch, and when we came back they were gone and my parents had no idea they were gone. I'm Lucas, by the way."

"Yeah, we know." Harris adds. "Like he said, lots of social media stalking went into this."

"Anyway, you said they?" I ask. 

"Yeah, my brother and Kota." Lucas nods. 

"And you think they're here?" I ask again. 

"Jack loves it here, and I heard him mention that he was going to bring Kota here, just to see campus, or like sit in on a class." He answers. "Not run off without us knowing." 

"Well how can we help, I mean we came all this way." I say. 

"As great as that sounds," Kendall says, sarcastically. "I don't think my sister is going to be very happy you guys came all the way here."

"Well, I basically forced Mark to drive us all down here, so we might as well try." I shrug. 

"I know where Jacks dorm is, I guess we start there."


"Jackson West, I know you can hear me, open the door!" Lucas had lead us through campus, eventually leading to his brothers dorm room, he had been banging on his brothers door for a while now, with no answer.

"They aren't in there." Kendall sighs. "What has gotten into her, she turned her location off too."

"Yo, can y'all keep it down." A voice said from behind us. Someone from the dorm across the hall had gotten fed up with Lucas's banging on the door. 

"Where's Jack." Lucas asks the boy. 

"Who wants to know?" He asks back. 

"His brother." He answers. 

"Couldn't tell you." He shrugs. "He said he was going home for the weekend after his classes. Shame he's missing Ramon underground." With that he shut the door. 

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