4. "Come on kid"

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-one week later-
Third person

Saige never knew why but she would zone out at times. Times like this.

When her anxiety was high. She wouldn't dare to show it but she was scared.

She wasn't scared for herself, but for the two boys in front of her. She know what the cooler would to them.

She saw it happen to her own brother. It wasn't fun watching her normal, nice, loving brother turn cold in those short months.

Sometimes she missed him. She missed him most when he left and her old man would beat her to a pulp.

When he left she had no protection. She hated him sometimes because of that.

She had woken up early then usual. The church was colder then ever. She has seen Johnny and ponyboy by the edge of the moution.

"Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay"

Johnny and saige both looking at him in awe. "Where did you learn that? That's what I meant."

Saige didn't know what was happening. But with that she didn't most of the time to be honest.

"I read it one time it stuck with me because I never really knew what he meant by it." Ponyboy looked at the sun set soaking all of what happened in.

With that he turns and walks back to the church with Saige and Johnny following.

~time skip~
First person

I felt a kick on the church bench I was laying on I woke up when I heard a voice I hadn't heard in over a week. My brothers voice.

Almost right away we asked him all the questions that came to mind.

He hand pony a letter. "Who's this from?"

"The president of the United States" pony gives him a look. "I'm serious" after he lets out a chuckle he says it was Sodapop.

After pony stops reading Johnny finally speaks. "What up with the fuzz man?"

"We'll the fuzz kind beat this out of me" he lets out a chuckle. "Hear me out on this one. That you guys where heading out to Texas!"

"Are y'all hungry? I'm starving!" I roll my eyes at my brother.

"Your starving try bologna for a week!" We all get up and get in a car.

Dallas drives wildly almost crashing a few times. We pull up to the drive Through and he order us all food.

A girl walks up to us while Dallas was showing us his heater. "Do you got 15 cents?"

"Here kid now get outta here!" I hand her my money and she walks away.

"For a Winston you sure ain't act like it." Pony says.

"Oh I'm a Winston. Just not Dallas Winston."

"Did I mention we got a spy? That red head from the drive in what her name?"

"Cherry valence?!" Pony says almost happy to hear about her.

"Yeah! I asked if she wanted to go to the dingo for a coke she told me to go to hell. Ya think she might like me a bit?" I let out a chuckle.

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