7. "Get outta there!"

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3rd person

Saige opened her eyes and looked at the dark sky. The sunset had just ended causing her and Johnny to stand up.

Johnny put out a hand and she took it. She got up quickly and they started walking.

"Ya know tonight was real fun Johnny" she looked at the boy and smiled.

"Yeah it was" he looked down kicking a rock and smiling.

They had made it back home. Tonight Johnny had asked her on a date.

It was real simple since they were both broke. A movie then watch the sun set.

It was enough to make saiges heart melt. The feeling never went away that night.

She would felt it when he asked her on the date after talking Lilly to the swings.

She had felt it when he grabbed her hand while walking back home.

It never went away when she was with him.

They both sat on her bed in silence. Johnny had looked at her she looked at him.

She felt her cheeks go red as she looked at her feet.

Johnny had picked up her chin. they both looked each other in the eyes.

"Saige can I do something?" She nodded her head as Johnny began to lean in. She did the same.

Their lips collided. Saige felt like fireworks are going off. She felt herself red.

But then Dallas walked in. "Johnny man what are you doing get outta there!" Dallas had yelled scaring the teens.

They separated and looked at him.
"Shit" Saige grabbed Johnnys hand and they started to run out the door.

"You ain't gonna get away with sucking on my kid sisters face man!" Dallas started to chase them.

Saige when through the bushes of the houses next to them.

She felt a thrill in this. She imagined this is how her brother felt while he would run from the fuzz.

They stopped in an alley way and hid behind a trash can. Dallas just running past them.

"I'll find you I swear Johnny and saige you ain't gonna hear the end of this you hear!?" He stoped running and turned around to go back to their house.

Saige looked around the trash can and saw he was gone.

She looked at Johnny and let out a laugh. Him doing the same.

Once done laughing she looked at the boy. "Ya know I really like you johnny." She smiled

"I really like you saige." He smiled and they both leaned in again.

Saige and johnny walked in the Curtis house hopping to hide. Saige opening the door not thinking.

She was welcome by a very serious gang and a laughing two-bit.

"Why didn't y'all lock the door!?" Two-bit laughed.

"Oh and that would had helped us so much two dal would had thought we w-" Johnny got cut off.

"Shut up man or I'll skin ya!" Dallas pointed.

"You couldn't hurt me man you know that." Dallas got up faster than Darry could stop him.

He grabbed him by the collar. "Ya think you bad now kid? Because ya did some stuff? I bet that I'm 1000% worse?" Dallas spit.

"Dallas get off him!" Saige grabbed her brother. She tackled him the the floor and that was when two-bit stopped laughing.

"Oh shit! Wait let me get popcorn- wait no" two-bit turned to them now seeing saige wrestling her older brother.

"Hit me dal! Do it I'll kick your ass I swear to god!" She was so close to him she saw her cross necklace touch his forehead.

"I ain't gonna hit you kid!" He flipped then over him now holding her down.

That's when she kneed him. "What the fuck!" He groaned and fell.

She jumped up with a smile. "Always works." She looked at her nails seeing that all the ruckus has chipped her pointer nail.

"Dal I'll kick your ass again you chipped my nail!" She put her finger in his face.

"Oh boo hoo my dick is broken shut up!" He was trying to get up while still groaning.

"Ew Dallas!" She slapped him and he gowned again.

"Stop hitting me!" He slapped her hand away.

"Okay go on with the lecture we're listening." She grabbed johnnys hand and sat on the spot that was her brothers.

"I'll make Darry do it man I'm in pain." He walked to the kitchen to grabbed a ice pack. "You slap god damn hard man!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"Good!" Seeing the siblings fight was a first for the gang. Each of them had a different reaction.

Sodapop was trying to hold in his laughter scared that Saige would hit him next.

Steve was laughing but stoped when Dallas slapped his head.

Darry let out a quick laugh but stoped to lecture ponyboy when he laughed also.

Two-bit had gotten his popcorn. No one knows when but he did.

Johnny was just in shock that the siblings were fighting over him but again who wouldn't.

"I don't want you and dal to fight because of me man. I'll stop if it'll cause problems." He said before Darry could start his lecture.

"Don't tell me that kid tell the Winston wrestlers. Anyways I always have a lecture but this I don't know man." Darry said honestly.

He got up. "I'm gonna hop in the shower."

Two-bit throw popcorn at him while booing when he walked to the bathroom.

After them all talking Johnny and saige promised not to do pda near Dallas and Dallas promised not to skin them.

After that they all went home Quietly. Johnny was going to sleep on the couch for the night and saige just walked to him room after saying goodnight to the boys.

It went a little too well for her liking but as long as no one was dead she was fine.

she went asleep that night thinking. She thought about how Johnny and her walked hand and hand around town.

How she layed down on his chest while watching the sunset. How they shared not one but two kisses that night.

She went asleep with a smile on her face that night. As long with every other night.

1000+ words

This is a little short but I Lowkey like writing in third person tbh I hope this isn't bad I wrote it in like 10 mins.

Please tell me if there's any mistakes pls 🙏🙏

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