18. "Bi- what?"

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Johnnys pov
(Thanksgiving day)

Today is thanksgiving. Me, dallas and saige were getting ready to go to the Curtis house. Saige had just got done while she dresses up jasmine.

"Johnny! Can you put on her headband while I put on a little bit more mascara?!" I heard saige yell from our room.

"Yeah!" I yelled back running to our room.

Saige was looking in the mirror putting on mascara. When I saw her I smiled.

I turned my head a looked at jasmine then the bow next to her.

I went and sat the the bed putting her infront of me. I grabbed the bow and put it one her head.

I picked her and and smiled to myself.

"Hey man y'all ready?" Dallas said from the door way.

"Yeah let me just Finnish this eye!" saige said.

"Well let me get this little princess." he smiled picking up jasmine.

He walked out showing her different things in the house naming them.

That's something I noticed changed in dally. When we got jasmine he changed more then when saige came into town.

I think the whole gang did since now we have 2 baby's to worry about.

We made it to the Curtis house and walked in. Saige walked to the kitchen to help Darry and Angela cook.

"Hey Johnny!" Twobit said stuffing his face with pumpkin pie for a change.

"Hey two." I nodded rocking jasmine in my arms.

"Hey you can put her in the crib with Tyler if you want." ponyboy said.

I looked down and saw her asleep I nodded and walked to his room to put her in Tyler's crib.

I made it back to the living room and right before sitting down Darry came in and said dinner was ready.

We all made it to the table and sat down. We said a prayer before eating then dug in.

Twobit had the biggest plate out of everyone.

Right as we were done eating we all sat in the living room.

I looked down at my arm and noticed my scars from the fire. I looked up trying not to think of it.

"Hey Johnny, man wanna play poker?" Dallas said with a smirk.

"You know I can't let down a poker game dally." I smirked sitting at the table next to us.

After a little while it started to get late so we headed home and got some sleep.

Third person
(One week later)

It's been a week since thanksgiving. Johnny had waken up after a night of staying up and talking with saige about random things.

He got out of bed late like the rest of the house hold. He rubbed his hair and went to the bathroom.

When he went back to the bedroom he shook saige just to get a groan. That's what happened everymorning.

Be went to the living room to watch tv after dressing up jasmine.

He was watching Mickey Mouse when jasmine started crying.

"Hey jj what's wrong huh? You want mama?" He said looking at the time.


He looked again at the clock in shock. He went to their room and tried to wake her up again. When he came in he saw her laying in bed just staring into the ceiling.

"Hey saige? Are you okay?" he didn't get a response. She just turned away from him.

He looked at her confused and walked out of the room the Dallas's room.

"Dally? I think something is wrong with saige." he said.

Dallas opened his door rubbing his eyes.

"What do you mean Johnny?" He said looking at him.

"She's just laying there not saying anything." Johnny said rocking jasmine.

Dallas eyes opened wide as he walked toward her room.

"Go call Darry will you?" He said walking into saige and johnnys room.

Johnny went to call Darry still confused.

"Hey kid are you alright?" Dallas said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Please leave texas." saige said dryly.

"What?" He said.

"Leave Dallas!" she said again.

He saw a tear fall from her cheek as he got up and walked out.

He saw Darry on the couch with Johnny asking what happened.

"Darry johnny let me talk to you man." Dallas said walking into the kitchen.

"When we was back in New York this happened a lot. I think it's bipolar something? Our old lady had it. Sometimes it skips a kid aka me and just went to saige." He took a breath.

"I don't know what to do man I think take her to the clinic and see what they say? Maybe they'll get her something to help?" He said.

"Bi- what?" Johnny said confused.

"It's manic depression Johnny." Darry said quietly.

"It's a bunch of stuff it's a roller coaster of emotions highs and lows." Dallas said.

"Well can't we just help perk her up?" Johnny said.

"It can take forever man. I'm saying we just take her to the clinic man." Dallas said.

"No we can't! What about jasmine. We can't both take care of her dally we have work." Johnny said.

"We can ask Angela to watch her." Darry said.

(4 days later)
Johnny sat in their room with her on their bed she layed down.

He played with her hair while reading a book of poems.

"Love is like the weather:
Sometimes stormy,
Sometimes sunny,
Sometimes party cloudy"

He looked down and saw her asleep. He looked to his side and say jasmine asleep. He quietly got up and went to the living room and sat on the couch.

He felt it move a little bit next to him and felt a weight on his shoulder.

"Thank you." He heard. After he heard silent snores.

He carefully picked her up and walked to their room.

He softly layed her down and sat down next to her. He kissed her cheek and layed down.

He layed there thinking. Thinking about life. Soon enough he fell asleep too thinking about how he was ready for this. He was ready to spend the rest of his life with saige. No matter what.

Through sickness and through health.

1000+ words

Omlll soon the book is coming to an end soon which will make me sad or maybe not idk maybe I'll just keep writing for forever 😭.

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