5. "Imma skin you"

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"Ya know kid you gave me a real scare." everyone had left due to visitor hours ending. Only Dallas was able to stay because he was family.

"I was scared dal but those kid man... we couldn't leave them their so young. Still have their whole lives ahead of then." I say trying to move but shot back down with a sharp pain in my arm.

"Yeah I know that man, but you do to, pull a stunt like that again and imma skin ya you hear?" Dallas chuckled after saying this.

"Yeah whatever man. Get some sleep it's getting late." i said turning on my side carefully.

"Night saige."

"Night dal."

-time skip-

I woke up the doctors said I was good to go home and Dallas said he had a surprise. I was sure scared.

We got in the red car we had once been in. He drove just like that day breaking nearly every law you could while driving.

We pulled up to a brown house it was a couple houses from the Curtis's I had seen it a few times while walking.

"Okay kid don't freak out but I robbed a store for this." I smacked him on the side of the head and he
Kept talking.

"Ow, anyways I got the money and got us this house I know it ain't much but after sometime with this job at bucks-" I cut his off a hugged him.

He didn't hug back I knew he wouldn't he just patted my back. "Thanks dal, I love you." I said practically jumping out the car.

"Yeah love you too kid now come on let's get inside!" We walked to the front of the house a Couch and some more things already set up.

I gave him a confused look. "It came with some minor stuff." He said with a shrug.

We walked to the hall. "This is your room mine is over there." He pointed to across the hall.

I gave him a nod while he walked to his room to go do god knows what. I walked into mine as well.

I had a bed with some blankets. It wasn't much but it was enough for us. We didn't need much if it just us.

I turned and saw a desk and sat down grabbing my note books from one of the boxes labeled with my name and started to write.

"so much depends on
a tank with a hose
besides the dying teen."

-time skip-
1 week later

"Hurry up saige their gonna think you ran away again!" I rolled my eyes at my brother putting my other earring in.

"Saige come on man me and pony are gonna have to drag you if we have to!" Johnny started.

You wouldn't Expect it but Johnny has got a attitude over this last week or so. He says he doesn't wanna stay on this earth to himself and just keep being the way he was.

"Okay im coming!" I walk out my door and walk up to the boys.

"Okay now please can we go now?" I nodded to pony's pleads and we walked out the door and to his house.

Were talking two cars the red one dal has been driving and Darry's truck. I ran into Dallas and we headed to the court house.

I was sweating as we walked in. Honestly scared that we would all be charged and have to serve time.

I think Johnny noticed because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. A gave him a smile and he returned it.

Dallas had saw and gleared at us both but we kept waking until we made it to the room. We let go of each other's hands.

I wasn't scared for me but Johnny. He was the one that had killed bob. We just saw and helped him get away. But we still helped.

We sat down in the front. As everyone arrived. I saw cherry. She flashed us all a smile and we did the same.

She had said she would testify that the guys were drunk, and what had happened was strictly self defense.

Once everyone all arrived we were called one by one. Pony, Johnny, cherry, randy, then me.

I was scared when I heard my name being called. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked up.

"Miss Winston can you tell me what happened on the night of the murder of bob Sheldon? From the movie to the murder"

"Yes your honor. Me my brother and the boys wanted to see a movie it was only my second day in Tulsa."

"And why was that ma'am" the judge asked.

"My father had kicked me out to live with my brother Dallas." I say then continue.

"Cherry and marcia had sat infront of us after a fight with bob and my brother started to hit on cherry, she told him to get lost and he went to go get drinks and popcorn for us." I take a break and breathe.

"When he came back cherry had thrown the soda in his face and he left mad and sticky." I laughed a bit remembering the moment.

"After the movie us girls, the boys plus two-bit we're walking home together. There was a small argument after bob and randy pulled up."

"The girls had left with them two-bit had left to go home leave me, Johnny and ponyboy."

-time skip-

After I told the rest of the story leaving out the part where we went to bucks. We said that we had gone to the train outselfs and found the church.

I hear the judge speak up. "I declare Saige Winston, Ponyboy Curtis, and Johnny Cade not guilty. Johnny and saige will be put under the care of Dallas Winston, and ponyboy under the care of his under the care of his brother Darrell curtis." after that we all stood up.

I hugged both the boys then ran to my brother giving him a hug surprisingly he hugged back.

I smile at Johnny. I walk to the gang and hug them as while.

Then cherry and randy. I walked up to them "thank you guys I don't know why but thank you!" I gave them both quick hugs and went back to our side.

"We should go to the dingo and celebrate! On me!" Darry says. We all let out cheers and get in the cars.

During the car ride i think about how Johnny was going to stay with us. Let me explain that a bit. There was a court date 2 days after we came back that's when Johnny poured out about his parents.

He's been staying with us because the court said he could and today I guess they made it permanently.

Dallas sure was happy man. The two things he loves in the world and he had them both. He would make sure to keep us safe no matter what.

We arrived at the dingo and celebrated like we had nothing else to do.

1200+ words

Idk why I Decided Johnny needed to be with them i guess it helps the story but I kinda feel like it's gonna be weird to dallas because he it's his kid sister and like his kid brother...

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