6. "Cake!"

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3rd person
One month later

Saige had woken up happier then ever. She had all she could get. She was able to live with her brother In Peace. Her and the boys had been laid off easily after the incident.

There was one thing that bothered her. She didn't want to claim it scared that she would jinx it, but she had gotten feeling for Johnny Cade.

She knew it was weird especially now that he was living with her.

She didn't know who to tell maybe Darry. But she couldn't without a lecture.

He always lectured her and Dallas. He always saw them as his kid brother and sister. He thought that about all the gang.

He had already lectured her about her tattoo. He said, "that's permanent you know? What if you want it gone one day? You can't get rid of it saige. It'll be there forever."

She had gotten off of bed after thinking, trying not to step on the mattress Johnny slept on.

Dallas trusted them enough for them to share a bed. He could tell something was up with saige. He didn't want to ask. He didn't want her to think she didn't trust him.

She walked to the small bathroom her and Johnny shared grabbing her toothbrush. While brushing her teeth she still thought about Johnny.

She thought about what would happen if he found out. What the gang would think. What her brother would think.

Once she was done she walked back to her and johnnys shared room. She grabbed clothes and walked back to the bathroom.

She turned on the water and got in. She loved the way the warm water felt on her skin.

Once done she grabbed her towel and rapped it around her body. Once dry she got dressed.

She needed to think. She decided she was going to go on a walk.

Saige grabbed a piece of paper.
"Going on a walk don't wait up on me I'll be at the Curtis' after. Don't wait up!"

She walked up to the door but was stopped by someone calling her name.

"Saige what are you doing?" Johnny rubbed his eyes while talking.

"Just on a walk tell Dallas so he don't freak out" she felt the feeling she felt in her stomach again.

She's been getting this feeling for the last month.

"Alright are you going to the Curtis'?" He put his hand through his hair.

"Yeah don't wait up" and with that she walked out the door going and the much needed walk.

Once she opened the door she went straight to Darry's chair. She sat in it grabbing his papers.

She read them not seeing much. She saw "local hoods vandalized home of socs with the names of 'love and cake'"

She let out a chuckle. She new it was her and Johnny. They had tried to pick a fight with ponyboy. They didn't want to let it slide.

You might think things had slowed down but they hadn't. Things have gotten at least 10% worse then before. If that was possible.

Saiges pov

I was sitting in Darry chair reading the paper when two-bit busted through the door. he looked like he was in tears.

"Saige your not gonna believe this! I was leaving my house to come here and my sister- ya' know
Lilly? She's 5 anyways she called me dad! I broke down crying right there. That's never happened. I haven't even heard that word in out house since our old man left!"

I sat there I shock not knowing what to say but then I looked down and saw Lilly.

He had his hands over her ears so she wouldn't hear him.

"Take the hands off her two and I don't know what to tell you I mean one time I called Dallas dad and he looked at me weird and to me not to call him that because it made him feel old." I stoped to take a breath.

"I thought he was gonna say it made it him feel like our old man but he didn't." I shrugged and looked at Lilly.

"Hi Lilly!" I gave her a quick hug and got up.

"Are you hungry? We got cake, eggs, pancakes what do you want?" I bent down to her Hight will talking.

"Cake!" She jumped up and I smiled.

I looked back up and saw Johnny and Dallas walk it. Next was Steve.

"Do you want to help me make it?"

"Yeah let's go!" She jumped away from two-bit and took my hand.

I sent Lilly with the boys while I but the cake in the oven. I looked up and saw Johnny.

That's when I got the feeling. The feeling I've gotten since a month ago.

"You real good with kids for a Winston ya know?" He smiled.

"My brother might not want or like them but I do I just like the idea of being a mom" I say while smiling.

"I always thought that but I sometimes think I'll end up my my parents" He crosses his arms and sat on the counter.

"You know it won't happen right Johnny?" I say.

"Ion' know just a thing I'm scared of I guess" he shrugged and jumped off the counter.

"Saige I'm gonna ask you something okay?" He says while picking at his nails.

"What is it johnny?" That feeling. That damn feeling came back again.

"Ya know what forget it." He smiled at me and walked out.

I kept think about what Johnny was going to say but I just shook it off.

Two-bit was letting me and Johnny take Lilly to the park while he went to go get more beer.

He always says he don't like for her to see him drink. He said he wants to be a good example. He would be just a perfect one if it wasn't for school.

"Swing!" Lilly yelled.

"Okay let's go!" Johnny picked her up and ran towards it.

He put her on the swing and started to push her, her little giggles filling the air.

I couldn't help but smile to myself. I walked up to them and got on a swing myself.

1000+ words

I think this is really bad and I used the words she, he, and I a lot.

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