Chapter 19 : Can I embrace you?

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In Wang Yi's office

Wang Yi check the time and saw that it was already 9 pm, she open her message and saw Zhou Shiyu messaged her, "Yi Yi, I already came home."

Wang Yi smile and turn off her phone, she continue to sign the papers and seems making it fast, then Fei Qinyuan suddenly enter her office and say, "Yi Yi, are you tired?" Fei Qinyuan asked and show a worried expression.

"Leave." Wang Yi said and continue to sign the papers and didn't even look at her.

Fei Qinyuan approach Wang Yi and started massaging her shoulder, Wang Yi felt a little discomfort and immediately distance herself from Fei Qinyuan, "What are you doing?" Wang Yi asked and Fei Qinyuan show a puzzled expression.

"Have you forgotten that I do this when you're tired." Fei Qinyuan said and Wang Yi shook her head in disbelief, "It was long time ago.. We already broke up..!" Wang Yi wanted to shout but stop herself.

Fei Qinyuan show a frown expression and approach Wang Yi, "Just give me a chance!" Fei Qinyuan said and Wang Yi gently push her.

"I won't.. You told me that you wanted to get married to that man, right? The day their company get bankrupt, what did you did?... You left that man and now you're in front of me... Begging me to come back with you." Wang Yi explain it to her and Fei Qinyuan shook her head and wanted to come closer to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi push her again and say, "Now I'm starting to believe that you only want money and not my love." Wang Yi said and get her coat.

"Yi Yi, where are you going?" Fei Qinyuan tried stopping her by grabbing her arm, "Let go of me! I'm leaving!" Wang Yi said and show an angry expression, Wang Yi left her office with an annoyed expression and Fei Qinyuan just laugh.

"Just wait.. I'll bring you back." Fei Qinyuan said and keep on laughing.

Wang Yi enter her car and say, "Driver Ma. Let's go home." Wang Yi said and lean her head in the headrest.

After 25 minutes later, Wang Yi arrive at her house and immediately go upstairs.

She was about to open the door of her room but she take a glance of the door of Zhou Shiyu, Wang Yi walk towards the door and hesitate to knock.

"Maybe she's sleeping?" The words that ran in Wang Yi's head.

Wang Yi slowly open the door and saw Zhou Shiyu sleeping in the bed so peacefully, Wang Yi enter and close the door.

She sit beside Zhou Shiyu.

Wang Yi stop herself to cry and suddenly lie down beside Zhou Shiyu and embrace her.

Zhou Shiyu open her eyes and was surprised to see Wang Yi embracing her, "Yi Yi, what are you doing here?" Zhou Shiyu calmly asked her, "Sister... Can I embrace you?" Wang Yi asked and Zhou Shiyu don't know what to say in a seconds.

"Oh! Of course." Zhou Shiyu said and embrace Wang Yi, "What's wrong?" Zhou Shiyu asked and Wang Yi started crying.

"Why do I felt like she didn't loved me at all?" Wang Yi said and keep on crying, Zhou Shiyu show a frown expression and pat her shoulder, "You can tell me." Zhou Shiyu said and keep calming Wang Yi.

"It's about Fei Qinyuan.. She cheated on me because of a man and now she want me back." Wang Yi said and keep on crying, Zhou Shiyu show a puzzled expression and say, "What's wrong with that? Why are you crying because of that? You should be happy."

Wang Yi shook her head and say, "She chose that guy because she told me that she loved him, but when he's company declared bankrupt, Fei Qinyuan want me back now... Why do I felt like she only want me because of my money?" Wang Yi asked and embrace Zhou Shiyu tight.

"Aiya.. You look like a little child." Zhou Shiyu said and chuckles at her, Wang Yi show a sudden disbelief and look at her, "Sister you're laughing at me!" Wang Yi said and Zhou Shiyu laugh at her.

"No I'm not.. I wanted you to know that when you have problems, you can talk to me." Zhou Shiyu said and show a wide smile.

Wang Yi smile widely and embrace her again, "Thank you." Wang Yi said and continue to smile widely.

"But.. Yi Yi, why don't you give her some chance?" Zhou Shiyu asked and Wang Yi shook her head, "I don't want her to come back in my life, I realize that she's not the girl I really liked." Wang Yi said and close her eyes.

Zhou Shiyu think about it.. She gave her word to Fei Qinyuan that she'll help her to get Wang Yi again, but she don't know what to do.


Chapter 19 ends.

Wang Yi and Zhou Shiyu | Poetry and Painting [诗情画奕] snh48 Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now