Fifteen - Part 2

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I catch a glimpse of my new school, Marsha parks the vehicle and everything becomes more real by the second. Students stroll or run around the campus, alone or with a group of friends. Swinging my pink backpack over my shoulder, I exit the car, standing by my lazy sis. I do a 360 to survey the school ground and gawk as a gang of teenagers that seem to be in Marsha's grade are walking towards us. 


I am not even in the actual building and I will meet people? I should be excited, but I'm not prepared..!

Also, I hate the way my skin 'glows' in the sun... My "sweat" becomes visible when I'm in the sunlight.

   "Marsh..! Who are they and why?", I hiss in stress.

She rotates her head to identify them as if they were her friends. I know for a fact that Mikael's her only buddy.

   "Oh, gosh. Well, Peyton, good luck..."

   "What do you mean by that?", I query, peeking over my shoulder to inspect the five seniors coming our way.

   "You set your heart on having a hot senior boyfriend? Here are five options, all popular too."

   "No, no, they probably want to talk to you, Marsh..! Right, Marsh? Right..?"

Why would they want to discuss with me? They don't know me..! Gaping at my sister, I rest my hands on my hips to seem relaxed, even though I'm not. I remove my left hand, letting it twirl one strand of my hair. My right hand is now scratching my left shoulder blade. I feel like a contortionist. I then position my arms behind my back, clasping my hands together.  Over-analyzing every detail about me, I gross myself out, stopping my urge to change frantically my hand placement. I need to calm down.

They are in front of me. They are all cute in their own particular way. I mean... I'm not a liar, I would be super happy to get to date any of them. One stands out from the pack in my eyes. He is also the one that speaks up first: 

   "You ain't kidding, Mara, tell me, this is your sister?"

A guy with bleached hair punches his arm, evoking the fact that my sibling's name is Marsha.  

   "You know, I haven't seen you around before... Freshman?",  asks me another teenager in their group. 

I nod, shocked. Wow. So they wanted to talk to me... Not my gorgeous (and lazy) sister, me. The new girl, the little freshman... Wow. Am I more of a catch than I think? 

Picking myself back up, I finally answer their questions. 

   "I'm her little sister. And a freshman."

   "My name's Dylan-"

I study Dylan as he puts a name to his friends, but I don't listen. I know who I'm already developing a crush on... He has sparkling green eyes, the colour resembles that of a lime, which means the green is on the verge of being yellow. Without analyzing a lot of small details about his appearance like I just did by staring into his eyes (I hope he did not notice, though he probably did), his hair is blond and his smile is so far making me fall for him. If only it would be directed to me and only me... I realize that Dylan is winking at me while his friends try to start a conversation with us. 

   "Anyway, Dick, sorry, Dylan, I ought to show my sister the school. Bye-bye now.". Marsha forces a smile which turns out to be a creepy grimace (gremlin worthy!) as she drags me behind her.

It was SO on purpose, I stifle a chuckle, pushing a solid door to get inside of TSHigh. Marsha waits for me to arrive next to her before welcoming me into the building with a slap on the back. I take a deep breath and side-eye Marsha to make sure she stays with me. I step in through the doors and a wave of anxiety gushes into my body. It's the morning of my very first day of high school at TSHigh. The beige walls seem to reach the clouds from down here. 

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