Forever & Always - Part 4

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Today is Saturday and mom's decided that we were going to play Monopoly. Marsha, who's still in her pyjamas, even though it's 5 in the evening, passes me two 100$ bills, just as I've crossed the GO square:

   "Here you go, Peyton! One step closer to victory for you and one step closer to bankruptcy for me..."

Lucas laughs at her, because we're all aware that he is the dominant reason she is losing so terribly. He has Boardwalk and ParkPlace, aka the dark blue section of the board, along with three houses on each of these properties. I won't win.

   "Can I have a cookie to celebrate, please?", I ask smugly, while our parent reaches for her cellphone that is ringing.

Now that I think about it, her cellphone has been going off all afternoon, but she just chose to ignore it, I guessed since it was out of reach as it was charging on the kitchen counter.

   "Mom, answer it.", Marsha pretty much orders, a glint of concern in her voice.

Mom obliges, leaving us hesitantly.

Less than a minute later, she comes back, seeming not pleased about this interruption.

   "It's work...", she explains. "Why don't you guys go buy some ice-cream while I finish this call?"

   "Work? What kind of boss calls his employees on a Saturday evening?", Marsha complains. She stays seated on the couch, her beautiful tangled hair framing her tense-looking expression. She looks like she ate a strawberry and she hates strawberries. For my part, I like the color of it, sure, but not as much the taste.

   "I know. I'm sorry. Lulu, you can go get money from my purse. I'll be done when you come back.", our mother replies.

She steps out of the room and I hear her going up the stairs in a hurry.

Ice-cream to go with her homemade cookies... I love this idea!

   "Let's get vanilla.", I tell my siblings, quickly putting on a hoodie over my shirt.


   "No, 'cause what was that?", guffaws Marsha, shoving a marshmallow into her mouth. 

We've secured four pints of vanilla ice-cream. Me and my siblings are at the self-checkout, since Abigail is not working tonight. She is actually meeting Garett's parents right this moment. I pray that they see how much of a good person she is.

   "Stop! I was 9, I didn't know security would be involved if I... Helped myself to some pennies from the fountain..!"

Giggling, I put down my beloved tiny pink backpack on the floor to swipe the reward card over the machine. I'm always so giddy when we reminisce on the past, maybe because I frequently feel like my life was better before than it is now.

Eesh, so much for positivism...

Lucas steps in to defend me:

   "At least she is not in public in her pyjamas..!"

My sister looks down at her outfit and I bet she knows that she still looks better than me, even with her loose dark grey sweatpants and unfashionable turquoise long sleeved pyjama top.

   "Good one, bro, but let me remind you that I have no one to impress in this little town."

   "And you do outside of here? Yeah, as if..."

   "Oh, because you do?", she scoffs, grabbing the receipt.

    "Uh yea-"


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