You Belong With Me - Part 3

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 "Peyton, that is the worst idea ever. You CANNOT keep spamming him when he clearly indicated he was not interested in you anymore. Did you ask your sister if she deemed this was a good idea?"

I am flumped with my best friend Abigail on my queen sized bed. We are currently chatting about the possibility of me reaching out once again to the hot senior also known as 'The Labrador'. I created this code name for Dylan as I remember describing him many times as that dog breed.

   "Easy for you to say when you are dating an awesomely lean and tall guy. And there is no way I am going to her for love advice after learning that she just let her soulmate slip away from her..!", I reply, recalling Marsha's concerning detachment from Mikael getting in a couple with the first dude that showed interest in him. I have to admit that I am acting the same desperate way as he is right now. If any boy would ask me out on a date, even Darren, I would most likely accept.

My confidante rolls her eyes while I shrug, grabbing a pastel pink pillow that was leaning on my cushioned bed frame. My other hand is holding my cellphone and I notice a text notification from my mom. I already know what she has written before I read it. 

          Mama 😉: We're caught up at work... Good night!

Predictable. It is 9 pm and on Fridays, both of my parents usually work until 11. They do inform me weekly. As if I don't remember the identical scenario that happens once a week... I am reckoning I care more about them than they are aware of. 

I figured that with time, I would mind their absence less, but this lonely sentiment is an unwavering one. It is strange to think that no one is constant in my life. No human other than Marsha and Lucas has stayed in my life. I guess I am that unlikable... My nails plunge into the soft feathery rectangle. I miss Scott so much. I miss the summer. When I was with my parents... Abigail picks up my hairbrush, passing it through her superb red hair. She then scoots closer to me, hitting me on the arm lightheartedly with the handle of my brush.

   "Hey, you should get your mind off of all of this Labrador business! I have a suggestion, you should apply to get a job at the grocery store. We would work together there and you would make cash!"

First of all, Dylan had completely left my mind. I decline her suggestion:

   "Uh, no thank you. Anyway, don't forget you already have your dear co-worker Garret."

My best friend works with her boyfriend at the 'MidnightsMall', which is the coolest spot in our town where most of the teenagers hang out.

   "Fine... Then get a job anywhere in the shopping center, so that we can still work in the same building!" She gets out papers from her backpack. The documents appear to be application forms. She hands them to me and my eyes scan the writing while my friend continues speaking:

   "I heard they are hiring at the 'Techno Center' and at 'Toffee's snack shack'. These just happen to be the two shops closest to mine! I got these sheets so you can fill them out to get employed at either of these places."

Abigail is so thoughtful... I cannot refuse her this. Anyway, it makes sense that I work there, because my sister also earns a salary by labouring at 'MidnightsMall'. She is a clothing clerk.

   "Okay, I'll apply, that is a good idea.", I state, shifting my opinion. My friend cheers.

Thinking about Marsha... Right now, she is at Vincent's house with Mikael, being a third wheel to their cute couple. I cannot wrap my head around Marsha's thought process when she accepted the invitation of a sleepover with them. My younger sibling, Lucas, is currently at a party on this cloudy night. My brother is popular, of course he is solicited when there is a get-together at someones parents' mansion. He is only in middle school and already has a more notable and prominent presence than mine. I have not yet been asked to go to a social gathering outside of school.

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