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Bernadette hummed contently as a breeze drifted through the open window, brushing over her body as she lay starfished on Billy's bed, waiting for him to finish work. Max stood in the open doorway, chuckling at the older girl.

"You know we have ice pops, right?" Max stated, throwing a cold ice pop on the girl and hitting her bare stomach.

"I love you, Max." Birdie beamed, sitting up and pulling her crop top down as she shuffled back in the bed, leaning against the bed board. "So, how are you and Lucas?"

"Uh, I don't know." The ginger girl shrugged, not wanting to talk about her strange relationship with the boy. "You and Billy."


"What's a real relationship like?" Max asked curiously, nervously playing with the ice pop wrapper. "You two seem so inseparable. It's like you can't breathe without one another."

"What me and your step-brother have isn't exactly a real relationship." Birdie started, not knowing how to talk to Max without scarring her away from wanting a real relationship. "It's complicated. It's like we need one another but we aren't anything official. We fight, we make up and we spend most of the time wanting to kill one another. But he is my light, my air and everything I never thought existed. It hurts but I guess that's what you get when you fall-"

Bernadette was cut off from her ramblings by the front door swinging open, Billy walking into the small home after work. His blue eyes darted between Birdie and Max casually hanging out in his bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, walking closer to the two girls curiously as they remained silent. "Birdie?"

"I wanted to spend my summer with you." She shrugged casually, sucking on the ice pop and humming happily as she cooled down.

"Leave us." Billy turned his attention to Max, his voice becoming more demanding as he stepped into his room. He slammed his bedroom door shut, staring down at the giddy girl. "Having fun?"

"I always love spending time with Max, it's nice to talk to other girls from Val and Lils." Birdie tucked her legs beneath her, watching as he unzipped his lifeguard hoodie, revealing his still wet torso. "Fuck me."

"Is that a promise or a threat?" He smirked, using her words against her as he approached her small figure. She squeaked with surprise, trying to hide behind her ice pop as his animalistic smirk grew, a dark gleam in his eyes.

"As much as I want you right now, I have plans for us." She leaned down and grabbed the water gun from beside his bed, aiming at his chest and pulling the trigger.

"You're dead, Birdie!" Billy raced after her, following her to the back garden as she continued to spray him with water.

"Now, Max." Max appeared from behind him, throwing water balloons at his back as Birdie ran over to the younger girl, fisting bumping her as Billy stood still, soaked from their attack.

Bernadette swallowed back her lust as she stared at her man, watching the water trickle down his muscles, tanned skin glistening in the sun. He saw the look in her eyes, using it to his advantage to stalk forwards, stealing a water balloon from his step-sisters hand and breaking it above Birdie's head.

The three ran around the garden, the step-siblings ganging up on Birdie until her clothes were soaked through and clinging to her body. She lay back on the damp grass, laughing loudly as Max collapsed beside her. They watched as Billy reluctantly blew up the small paddling pool for them, complaining as Birdie ordered him around.

"Why did we think this was a good idea?" Max whined as her and Birdie carried buckets of water out the house, dumping it in the pool.

"Because it's hot." Birdie grumbled, stretching her arms above her head as she glanced at Billy through his bedroom window, watching him set up his speaker for them to listen to music.

"You okay, lover girl?" Max teased, pushing Birdie into the pool.

"It's so cold!" She squealed, sitting up and laughing loudly. She was quickly distracted by the sound of Stevie Nicks voice filling the garden. "That's my album. He is actually letting me listen to my music." She gushed, turning to grin at Max.

"That's so cute." The redhead stated sarcastically, shaking her head at the obviously in love girl. She slipped into the pool across from the Birdie, enjoying the cool water in the hot weather.

"Here." Billy passed the two girls cold drinks before sitting in a chair beside the pool, bathing in the sun. His sudden kindness shocked Max, not expecting him to act this way towards her.

"This is the life." The three enjoyed the sun, listening to Fleetwood Mac, eating ice pops and splashing around in the paddling pool.

𝑩𝑳𝑼𝑬 - Billy Hargrove [1]Where stories live. Discover now