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The Austrian Empire was just a little kid when his powers appeared. He was expecting something pretty cool, but certainly not the most powerful. Like his best friend, Prussia, who had gained the powers of darkness.

AE definitely wasn't expecting to be the most powerful, and the most dangerous of them all.

He thrust his sword at his opponent, who dove to the side and did an attack of his own. AE managed to block it. Then, with all his strength, he swung his sword at his enemy's, knocking the other weapon out of their hand.

He finished by pointing the sword at his friend's neck. "I won!" AE grinned. He had never beaten his older friend before!

"I did it!" He cried, helping Prussia up before running over to hug the Holy Roman Empire, his father.

"You did! I'm so proud of you!" HRE laughed, spinning AE sound before settling down for a long hug. They sat there for a long moment, the little country feeling quite pleased with himself.

Eventually, he realised this hug had gone on for quite some time. Also, the warmth from his father was fading, HRE's skin was growing cool instead... and solid.

"Dad?" The Austrian Empire asked, backing up away from the frozen figure.

The Holy Roman Empire was completely gold. Of course, he had always been gold, that was simply the colour of his skin, but this was different, and solid. His entire body was gold. His eyes, his wings, his robes, his expression of pure fear. Everything. Gold.

"What is this?" Prussia was behind him, his face in anguish

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"What is this?" Prussia was behind him, his face in anguish. "What happened?!"

"I don't know!" AE sobbed. "I-I just touched him and... he froze. I didn't mean to!" He looked down at his hands, which were now the same gold that his father was now.

"We can... we can fix this! I'm sure of it! Can you try reversing it? T-try imagining waves pulling back or something!" Prussia said, reaching out to take AE's hand comfortingly. The smaller country flinched back, pulling his hands away. "Right..."

The Austrian Empire tried imagining what his friend had said, but all that was in his head was the mixture of horror and realisation on his father's face. "I can't!... I can't..." AE collapsed to the ground.

"It's okay! We'll think of something!" Prussia said, kneeling down beside him. "I promise."

The Austrian Empire ignored him, instead, reaching up to touch his face. He didn't know why exactly he did it. Perhaps he thought he deserved it, maybe it was curiosity, maybe he just didn't realise. Whatever the case, he felt his skin begin to turn solid and cold.

He felt something seize his arm and yank it away from his face. He looked up to see his angry friend. Gold was starting to spread up Prussia's fingers, freezing them around AE's wrist. "STOP!" He pleaded.

Shockingly, the gold stopped spreading, heading the words. Prussia pried his frozen fingers from the little country's wrist.

"Never do that again, do you hear me?" He asked, his voice stern, yet concerned.

The Austrian Empire tried to say yes, but his mouth was frozen solid from his finger's touch. He almost reached up to touch it again out of shock, but then remembered his curse, and Prussia's words. He simply nodded instead.

"Whatever happens next, we'll face the consequences together, yes?" Prussia reassured him.

AE nodded again.

"Good, now let's get you some gloves." The older Countryhuman stood up, beckoning for AE to follow him. "I promise to never let anything happen to you."

Same. AE thought.

They were both lying that day. 

(657 words)

Haha, one chapter in and there's already some trauma!

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