Chapter Eight

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"Why does he get to leave?" The Portuguese Empire grumbled as he and Canada watched RE leave the castle. "This is so stupid."

"He's their spy." REC said.

"What? How do you know that?" PE asked.

"My grandmother was idiotic enough to brief me before the meeting, expecting me to fully agree with killing someone not so different from me." He shifted around uncomfortably. "She wanted me to be the spy originally. Even if I was okay with murder, AE still reminds me of myself. What happens if he is gone, and I am the most dangerous? What happens when I start accidently killing people, and you all turn on me?"

"True. I guess most of us are lucky we got controllable powers." Portugal felt especially grateful now, as someone was dying because of their power. It wasn't really fair. Maybe it was to them. PE didn't know.

The two of them, for some reason, were sharing a room. They hadn't really talked often together, and PE was interested in the younger country.

"What happened to your eye, and your wings? I don't remember them being like that." He heard himself asking.

"Spain. While Prussia was becoming sparkly and gold, me and SE were fighting. You were there, actually. You stabbed me in the cheek. Then you left, and he stabbed my eye. I touched it from impulse, and made it even worse." Canada looked away. "Then he struck me with lightning and left me for dead."

Portugal was horrified. He hadn't known this side of Spain in the war. He tried to murder a kid?!

"To be fair, I did try to throttle him with my bare hands," REC went on, "but that was after he stabbed me in the eye. Despite my wings being injured from the cost of my powers, I was still able to fly before that. Now I can't because of him."

"I'm sorry that happened to you. War can get violent sometimes, many countries get scars and wounds, some even die, but that was still a bit too far."

"Thank you." Canada managed a weak smile at him. "Do you think it's bad that I'm glad SE was affected by me choking him?"

"Nah, he had it coming. For attempting to murder you then and AE now."

REC was silent for a few moments. "Do you still believe that Austria should be put in jail?" He finally asked.

"I don't know. He did kill three people. I mostly think he should keep his gloves on more often. The first death definitely wasn't his fault though. He didn't know that he had his powers yet. But the others..."

"...Do you think I should be in jail?"

"Absolutely not! You haven't killed anyone–at least, I don't think you have–and you don't participate in most wars either. You're a good man, Canada. And if those clay-brained fools decide to try to do something to you too, I'll be there to stop them." PE said, putting an arm around Canada's shoulder.

"Thank you, that means a lot. Do you think we should try to escape? We can warn AE straight after." REC suggested.

PE pondered that thought for a second. Sure, they might get in a lot of trouble. And possibly get involved in a giant war. But they had to warn AE.

"Ok, let's do it!"

REC walked over to their only window and tried to open it. When that didn't work, he grabbed the nearest heavy object–which turned out to be a lamp–and hurled it at the window. It bounced off harmlessly. "It must be reinforced. You can turn others invisible, correct?"

"Yes, that's the whole deal of my powers. Do you want to sneak out of here while being invisible?" PE raised an eyebrow.


(655 Words)

Bonding between two completely unrelated characters! Yay!

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