Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth could travel through time. He used to use it to review his favourite moments, or give himself advice. Now he uses it to watch wars that could kill everyone.

He liked to view great historical moments. Like when the Holy Roman Empire died, he was there, watching from a balcony. He knew it wasn't the Austrian Empire's fault. The Purple Alliance didn't. Then he watched the Roman Empire 'die'. He was there when Prussia was killed, knowing that AE had seen him. And he watched the numerous battles between the Purple and Gold Alliances.

Now he was resting in his room, prepared to glimpse the future to see what would happen. Suddenly, a version of himself appeared in the room.

"What the-" He exclaimed, scrambling up to peer at the second version of himself. "What are you doing here?! You and I know we have rules against visiting versions of each other after last time!"

"I know, I know!" PLC (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) #2 said. "I don't have much time to explain, but the Roman Empire is going to take over the whole world! As you know, he is still alive. But I am only from a few minutes into the future. I did what you are doing now, trying to travel to the future. But he was there, with everyone under his possession. He was stealing powers, one by one. They... noticed me." He broke down coughing, and the original PLC noticed for the first time that his body was covered in wounds.

"So... I just don't go into the future?" PLC #1 asked, helping his other self sit down. 

"Yes, but also find a way to stop that timeline from happening. I trust you can do it." PLC #2 said, holding his hand over a large stab wound in his chest. He wasn't going to live much longer.

"Wait, how was the Roman Empire stealing powers?" PLC #1 asked, remembering his other self's story.

"I don't know. I saw him kill the French Empire, then seconds later he was blowing fire at me."

"He doesn't have the power to steal powers. That's impossible!"

PLC #2 shrugged.

"I have to tell someone about this. I can't do this alone." The original PLC said.

"What about me? I'm here."

"You're going to die. Don't pretend you don't know, we're the same person."

"I suppose you're right. See if you can get AE to bring back HRE and Prussia. If he learns to control his powers, perhaps the Gold and Purple Alliances can work together."

"Good idea. I won't let you down."

After PLC #2 died, which took a while, the original PLC went to the Austrian Empire's palace. As tempting as it was to go into the future to see what PLC #2 was talking about, he had to stay alive.

He snuck around the golden castle for a while, before getting to AE's room. He knocked before coming in, not wanting to startle the other countryhuman.

PLC? What are you doing here? AE signed.

"What I am doing is highly against my own rules, but the fate of our entire world is at stake. I come with a warning." The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth said.

Okay... what is it? AE asked.

"A version of myself travelled to the future only to find the Roman Empire mind controlling everyone. He had taken over the world. As you know, he is alive, and powerful. The only way I believe you can survive is to control your powers, revive HRE and Prussia, and work with the Purple Alliance."

...what?! You just gave me so many impossible tasks! The Purple Alliance hates me, and I can't control my powers!

"You'll figure it out. You have to."

The Austrian Empire stared in bewilderment at the wall after the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth left. How was he supposed to undo his own magic? His power was uncontrollable. But if what PLC said was true, he would have to learn.

He got out of his bed, and walked carefully down the hall to not disturb the others. It was the middle of the night, and they were all tired.

He found his way to the garden, where he kept the statues of HRE and Prussia, along with some of the things he turned to gold. Might as well start now, he thought as he took off his gloves.

He first tried to turn a golden leaf back to a regular leaf, but after half an hour of trying different techniques, he gave up and went to something easier, and more possible.

AE recalled Prussia telling him to stop turning himself to gold, which had worked, but he had never been able to replicate it.

He practised with another leaf, repeating Prussia's command "STOP!" in his head over and over again.

He wished he could hear his friend's voice again. It was almost like he was right beside him, urging him to complete his goal.

The next time he focused on the leaf, it was only half gold, instead of fully gold. He lost concentration, and nearly dropped it out of shock.

It-it worked! He exclaimed. I did it! He tried it with a whole bush next, with similar results. He was buzzing with so much excitement and disbelief that he wasn't able to concentrate very well, but the gold stopped spreading after a few centimetres.

He tried it with many more objects, like a lamp, a vase and a table. Finally, he worked up the courage to try it on himself. He raised his sleeve, took a deep breath, and poked his arm. The gold spread right away, but he commanded it to stop with Prussia's voice, and it obliged. A small gold dot was left on his arm, but he didn't care.

He was controlling his powers! He wished PLC was still here, so that he could hug him. It was only because of him that he worked up the courage.

Now all he had to do was figure out how to reverse it. Then, he would finally be happy. Right? 

(1016 Words) 

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