Chapter Twenty-Two

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Belgium didn't like the British Empire very much. It was very annoying to think you were finally done catching spies in the Purple Alliance, only to have to come back because there was more doubt.

Belgium was only doing it because Britain had asked him too. Britain and him were good friends, and if Britain wanted him to work for BE, he would do it.

As the mind-reader walked up the Spanish Empire's castle's steps for the thousandth time, someone pulled him aside, resulting in him almost losing his balance and falling down the stairs.

It was the French Empire. "What do you want?" He asked, trying to break free of her grip.

"BE brought you here to figure out who was lying yesterday." She said simply. Belgium decided to read her mind to figure out what she was thinking.

I want you to say that OE was the one who lied. She thought to him.

"And why would I do that?"

Because BE is no longer as powerful as I am. He won't be able to stop me from cooking your insides into a bloody soup. She threatened.

Belgium sighed, not liking that he had to lie to the entirety of the Purple Alliance. "Fine..." He grumbled.

"Glad we came to an agreement. I hope you keep your promise." With that, she walked through the doors of the palace, heading for the meeting room.

Belgium followed her, then waited with the others for America, who was late.

"Just start without him." SE said, looking exasperated.

"As most of you should know, OE and FE accused each other of being the one to accidentally stab the Swedish Empire. We don't really care who did, as it was an accident. However, it is not good that one of these two are lying, and OE almost let FE die over it. Belgium, tell us who is telling the truth." BE said.

Belgium read their minds, even though he knew what he had to answer already. OE was thinking about how FE immediately betrayed him after he saved her from drowning. He hated her before, but he hated her more now. FE was thinking about Belgium in flames, but he also caught glimpses of her stabbing SWE through the back. She felt guilty.

"OE is lying. He was the one who stabbed SWE." Belgium lied. He looked away as OE stared at him, betrayal and shock radiating in his mind. FE grinned and gave a 'told you so' look at the British Empire.

"OE, you will no longer be allowed in this alliance, for you tried to kill FE, and lied about it." BE glared at the 'traitor'.

"B-but Belgium is lying! I went and got you, didn't I? I didn't want the French Empire to die, and I saw with my own eyes that she stabbed SWE." OE tried to defend himself, but BE wasn't having it.

"Get out, or we'll make you." He snarled.

FE smirked as OE turned around and slammed the door behind him. Belgium wished he could have shouted that FE had threatened him and the Ottoman Empire was right, but he didn't want to die.

OE pounded on the Swedish Empire's door, hoping that he was home. After Belgium had lied and OE had been kicked out, he had nowhere else to go. He couldn't believe that FE somehow got Belgium to say OE was the liar. He had sat and moped around for a while, before realising he had to stop FE.

SWE opened the door, looked at who it was, then immediately closed it again. "SWE wait!" OE cried, catching the door before it closed fully with his foot.

"Why are you here, OE?"

"I came to find help!"

"BE already told me what happened. You almost killed me!"

"No, you've got it wrong! It was the French Empire, she deceived everyone!"

"Nice try. Belgium read your mind, and figured out it was you. I can't believe it was you who stabbed me!" SWE glared at him through the crack of the door.

"I don't know why Belgium lied, but FE somehow convinced him that it was me! She confessed everything when she was in the lake, and I felt bad, so I brought BE to save her. But then she told him that I didn't save her at first because I wanted her to die so that she wouldn't tell everyone I almost killed SWE'. But it's not true! I was angry with her for stabbing you, but I didn't want her to die." OE pleaded.

SWE thought for a moment. "You were... in front of me when I was stabbed. And I couldn't see FE anywhere... maybe you're right?" He mused. "But why would Belgium lie?"

"Perhaps he was threatened? Or maybe he's working with FE."

"That makes sense. But how will we convince the others? It's our word against FE and Belgium's."

"I don't know..." OE looked down.

"It's alright. Come inside, we'll figure it out!" SWE smiled at his friend. "We'll make sure FE regrets what she did."

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