Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: I realised that there wasn't much action with the Dutch Empire, so I did this in his POV :)

The Dutch Empire watched as the British Empire glared at America, who had finally shown up. "What do you mean you're leaving the war?!" BE demanded.

"This war is going terribly for us! The Swedish Empire is wounded, and probably isn't going to be fighting anytime soon, and the French Empire is now an enemy to us! Not to mention the way she killed Belgium, I am not having that happen to me!" America cried, scowling at his grandfather.

DE (Dutch Empire) wondered if it would be smart for him to leave the alliance now too. They were down to five countries, against eight. It probably wasn't going to go well for them. But DE had honour. He would not leave his friends to fend for themselves. Unlike America, apparently.

"Look, it's nothing personal, I won't fight against you. I'll just be watching from the sidelines, enjoying living." USA said before storming out.

BE sighed and put his face in his hand.

"I have a friend who may be able to join." SWE offered.

"That would be wonderful, do whatever you can to get them to join, please." BE said, sounding tired.

Suddenly, a large shape bounced off of the window, making everyone jump.

"Holy shit, is that Prussia?!" SE exclaimed, running over to the door to look outside. The remainder of the Purple Alliance followed him.

How is he alive suddenly? Could this be an illusion or some trick by the Gold Alliance? DE wondered, approaching cautiously.

"Prussia! How are you alive?! And... why did you crash into our window?" SE asked, holding out his hand so that Prussia could get up.

"I guess I was so focused on flying fast that I didn't notice!" Prussia said, accepting SE's hand.

"Were you running–er–flying away from the Austrian Empire? Oh, did he want to kill you again?!" BE pondered.

"No! No, he doesn't want me to die! He didn't even kill me the first time! That's why I'm here, the Roman Empire did it! He wasn't completely dead when AE first killed him, so he mind controlled him into murdering me." Prussia rambled, speaking so fast DE could barely keep up. "Then AE controlled his powers and brought me back, but he also brought HRE and ROE back! Now the entirety of the Gold Alliance is mind controlled, and I came here for help." Prussia explained. "Please help me. AE is not at fault here. He can control his powers now, this whole war was for nothing. The real enemy is the Roman Empire."

The group stared at Prussia, dumbfounded.

"HUH?!?" BE spoke first, furrowing his brow so much, it looked like it had to hurt. "You're telling me AE is a good guy, and all three of the countries he killed are alive?! And one of them wants to murder you?"

"Not just me, everyone. When I was a ghost–"

"You were a ghost?!" The Dutch Empire asked.

"Yes, now shush. When I was a ghost, I saw AE get visited by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Apparently, one of the versions of himself went to the future, and saw that ROE had taken over the world. PLC told him that both alliances need to work together."

"Okay... how do we know you're not lying and that the Gold Alliance will just stab us in the backs when we show up?" SE asked.

Prussia barked a laugh, startling DE. "I wish that was the case! But what I am telling you is very real. Unless we put aside our differences, and work together, we. Are. Going. To. Die."

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