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smut ahead.

I pull the blanket closer to my face as the cold breeze blowing through the window wakes me. It was near the end of November and it was freezing cold, so I was sure to change into my warmest sweatshirt before bed. I stretch my arms out and take note of the fact I'm only in my undergarments. No wonder I was freezing, what was I thinking wearing close to nothing in the Winter?

"Morning, Y/N," I hear from the person beside me. I quickly turn over and am met face to face with the last person I expected to see. "What, did you forget about last night already, baby?"

I notice his messy hair and absence of a shirt and am reminded of the events that occurred last night. "Holy shit." I say, still staring at his chest. He smirks and covers himself up, "C'mon, Y/N, have you no class?" I shake my head, "That's not it, I mean, well, it is, because just wow, but no, it's just that my dad is gonna kill me when I get home."

I look over the side of the bed and spot my 'Camp Know Where' sweatshirt on the floor along with my pants. "You're not leaving, are you?" He asks. I glance back at him and smile, "Of course not, because I'm sure my dad would be totally cool with me laying in bed all day with you instead of being at school."

He groans and runs a hand through his curly, frizzy hair, "To be fair, we're freaks, not nerds." I throw the blanket off of my body and try to quickly grab my sweatshirt to cover up, but am stopped by a pair of arms pulling me back. "Eddie.." I whine. "Y/N...." He pulls my body closer to his. "Please, Eddie..." I try to squeeze out of his grasp but he doesn't budge. "I like it when you beg." I scoff at his cocky remark and decide to play along.

I swiftly backed myself into him, being sure to rub my backside over his crotch. He lets out a soft moan and I continue the same motion, grinding myself into him. "God, Y/N, don't stop, please." I smirk to myself, "I like it when you beg." I stop what I'm doing and flip onto my other side to look at him, his face already a light shade of red. He sits up and I follow his movements, placing myself in his lap. He connects his lips with mine in a rough kiss and I move my hands to my back and unclip my bra, tossing it to the side.

He pulls away to admire my chest, "Your boobs look really good today." His honest remark only fuels my desire to have him here and now. He pushes me down onto my back, his body following as he soon hovers over me.

He kisses my neck and I run my fingers through his hair, lightly tugging once he reaches my sweet spot. I can feel his sexual frustration as his kisses become hungrier and sloppier, so I yank on the hem of his boxers, signaling for him to remove them.

He complies almost immediately, using his free hand to pull his boxers down to his ankles and kicking them off. After taking off his own underwear, he hurriedly pulls mine off as well. He then brings both of his hands to cup my face as he plants careless kisses to my lips. He nudges his knee in between my legs, massaging my heat. "Eddie," I moan, gripping onto his hands. "Say it again."

Cocky bastard.

"Eddie, please, oh, Eddie," I shout. "Could use some work, but that was pretty good." I roll my eyes, "Whatever, let's hurry this up." I say, anxious to feel him again. "Alright, alright, whatever princess wants." Hearing him use that nickname for me made me even more wet than I already was. "Ready?" He asked. "More than I'll ever be," I reply, taking hold of his free hand that laid next to my head.

He lines himself up with my entrance and only pushes himself halfway in when there's a loud pounding on the door. "Just wait for them to leave." He mutters, returning his attention back to me. He pulls out and enters me again, going further this time.

He continues to go at a slow pace until the knocking at the door grows louder, along with someone shouting, "Eddie! It's Dustin! Is your walkie talkie on? I've been shouting 'code red' for the past twenty minutes!"

Eddie and I exchange glances before he slowly pulls out, "We'll finish this later.." I nod and he sends me a wink. Eddie quickly throws on a t-shirt he found on the ground along with his boxers and leaves the room to greet Dustin at the door.

I grab my bra and underwear off the ground and pull them on, tuning in and out of Eddie's rant to Dustin. "What is so importan-" I hear Eddie stop shouting mid-sentence as Dustin cuts him off by talking about some radio tower, followed by a "Don't go in there!" I was trying to find my sweatshirt when I saw a curly haired boy appear in the doorway.

"Christ!" I shout, covering myself with a pillow. "Dustin, what the hell?" His eyes went wide and he turned around right away. I reach for my sweatshirt and pants and quickly get dressed before meeting the two boys in the living room.

Dustin doesn't look at me as I enter the room and Eddie has a pissed look on his face. "Well?" I ask, "What's the code red?" Dustin sighs before talking, "The code red isn't half as code red as this situation is." Eddie shakes his head, "No, you did not come over here just to interrupt important shit then leave, alright? What's the big deal?" Eddie throws his hands in the air and Dustin has the look on his face as though he was deep in thought.

"Wait, so... You and Y/N..?" He asks, pointing between the two of us. "Alright, kid, you're done, goodbye." Eddie says, shooing him out of the living room and to the front door.

"Wait until everyone else hears about this!" He shouts, letting himself out of the trailer home. "You little shit! Keep your big mouth shut or you're out of Hellfire!" Eddie threatens as Dustin gets on his bike. "Bye-bye! Love you too!" I laugh as Eddie flips him off and then blows him a kiss.

Once Dustin has pedaled off to wherever he was going I turn to Eddie and smile, "Lunch. Janitor's closet. Not one minute late or it's not happening. Got it?" He bites his lip and nods. "You're such a freak, I love it." He gives me a quick kiss before I walk out the door.

God, this man was going to be the death of me.

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