dream team

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"What the hell kind of noise was that?" I whisper yell.

"I sneezed." Eddie says, rubbing his nose on the sleeve of his leather jacket.

"That was most definitely not a sneeze." I say, relieved that it wasn't some wild creature from The Upside Down. "Sneeze like a normal person next time, you scared the shit out of me." Eddie flashes his flashlight in my face and I do it back, both of us blinding each other as we walk through the dark woods. "Would you two stop being idiots and keep up? We need to get out of here before that thing comes back." I cover my eyes with my hand and put my flashlight down, not wanting to upset Steve anymore. "Always the babysitter.." I hear him mumble. Eddie proceeds to make puppet figures with his hands in the beam of light he had directed at the ground. I grin at the sight of his shadow puppets attacking each other, and then Steve.

"Christ, where is the idiot anyway?" Steve groans. "I'm right here, doofus." I say, poking him in the arm. "Surprisingly enough, I'm not talking about you this time." I shrug and continue walking towards where we believed another gate was located. "Wherever the other idiot is, I'm sure he's fine, he's smarter than all three of us combined." Eddie says, walking up from behind me and slinging an arm around my shoulder, "Without him, though, we're the dream team, don't you think?" Steve ignores him and I nod in agreement as we approach what looked like a trailer park.

"Okay, well, here we are." I sigh, thinking back to that privileged cheerleader, Chrissy Cunningham, that was brutally murdered not too long ago. Eddie was telling us all about it, thinking no one would believe him, but having dealt with a force like this before we never doubted him. "So, if Chrissy died here, in the ceiling... Then that means that there should be a gate there?" Eddie asked, stepping up the stairs to his front door. "That's what we're hoping," Steve states, pushing past Eddie and into a mutilated trailer home. "Holy shit." I shine my light around the home that seemed to be covered in dark, slimy vines, "This place gives me the creeps." The room is completely dark except for the three sources of light coming form our flashlights.

"Hey, check this out." Eddie says, shining his light on a glowing, membrane-like tear in the ceiling. It was an orange-reddish color and seemed to be pulsing on its own. "It looks like the inside of a heart." Steve whispers, a disgusted look on his face. "As if you've ever seen what that looks like." I roll my eyes, "If this really is our gate back home, what are we waiting for?" I look around, flashing my light around the room until I spot an umbrella on the floor by the front door. "This is the closest thing around here to a sword." I grab it and toss it to Steve, who misses it poorly and lets it fall on the ground. "C'mon, hotshot, you're seriously that uncoordinated?" Eddie asks, snorting.

"Whatever." Steve fumbles to pick it up and takes a few steps back, preparing to penetrate the barrier of the gate. He punctures it and as soon as he does, goo oozes out of the entrance and more begins to fall to the floor as he clears an entrance back into our world. My eyes light up at the sight of Eddie's colorful trailer; not a slimy vine in sight. "Oh, thank God." I say, wiping my forehead of the sweat that had collected there in the past minute. Eddie stares at the floor of his home through the ceiling, lost in confusion.

"We should leave before something finds us here and eats us." I point my flashlight to the kitchen and motion towards a dining chair, "Eddie, get me that chair, will you?" I ask. "Anything for m'lady." He marches over to the dining table and seizes the chair from its spot, then places it directly under the gate. "Thank you, kind sir." He kneels down on one knee and I place one hand on his shoulder, pushing myself up onto the chair. "I'm gonna need a boost, Steve, get over here." He quickly steps to my side and repeats Eddie's previous actions, but instead secures his hand under my foot. "When I say push, push, alright?" They each nod their head and I silently curse to myself, knowing this wasn't going to feel good.

"Push!" I shout, jumping with the help of Steve and Eddie launching me into the air and onto the floor in our dimension. I landed right on my back, as I had turned myself mid-air, not wanting to break my neck when I fell. "You alright up there?" Eddie yells, panic in his voice. I open my eyes and give a thumbs up, slowly bringing myself to my feet. "I'm fine. Who's next?" I don't get an immediate response so I take note of the couch right next to me. Disassembling the entire couch, I gather only the cushions together and place them next to one another on the floor, creating somewhat of a landing pad.

"Bombs away!" I hear from above me, stepping back as I see Eddie dive onto the pillows. "You okay?" I ask, rolling him onto his back. "That was radical." He says, flashing me a smile as I grab his hand and help him up. Once he's on his feet he doesn't let go of my hand before leaving a kiss on my knuckles. "For your services." He winks at me before letting go and leaning against over to readjust the cushions on the floor. "You ready, Stevie boy?" Eddie beams. "Nope!" Steve replies, leaping into the air and right onto the pallet. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." I hear him mumble into the pillow he had faceplanted into. "Yikes, that was difficult to watch." Eddie nudges Steve with his shoe, "Need some help there, buddy?" I sit on the pillow next to Steve, checking to make sure he wasn't seriously injured.

As I went to roll him over, he placed his hands at the sides of his head and pushes himself into plank position before getting on his knees and taking in a deep breath. Eddie and I exchange glances as we notice that Steve's nose was already a light purple. "Well, that sucked." I shrug, "I mean it wasn't that bad.." He gives me an unamused look and I look down at my hands, "Okay, yeah, it was pretty rough." Eddie laughs and puts a hand out for Steve to take. I get up myself and realize that the gate was still open.

"That should close on its own, right?" I stare at the upside down world above us. "I'm not sticking around to find out." Eddie remarks, dragging me behind him. "C'mon, Steve!" I call out behind me. "Jesus, now I'm the one being babysat." He groans. Eddie interlocks our fingers and we both take in the Hawkins summer breeze that hits us as we step outside. "If you want, you can stay at my place." I suggest, turning to face Eddie, but notice he's already staring at me, grinning. "Is that alright..?"

He seemed to be zoned out, gazing at me as if I had said something utterly, completely ridiculous. "What? You don't have to if you don't want to.." I'm interrupted by him abruptly capturing my lips in a lingering kiss. "Get used to this." He says, his lips hovering only inches from mine before he softly presses them together once more.

"Seriously?" We pull away to see a desperate Steve standing alone outside of the trailer home. "Sorry not sorry, muchacho." Eddie says, intertwining our fingers and walking off.

"My house?" I ask.

"Is that even a question?"

I smile and lean my head on his shoulder as we walk along the side of the road, a lonely Steve only a few feet behind us the whole way home.

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