the license

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"So, I'll see you later?" Nancy asks as I get out of the car. "Yep, stop by whenever. I should be home by 6." She readjusts the necklace hanging around her neck and nods, "Gotcha. See ya then!" I quickly grab my backpack from the passenger seat and wave to her as she drives off. I hated getting rides from Nancy, mostly because I felt like I was using her, which she has assured me several times that I wasn't, but mostly because I can't pass my drivers test. I know how to drive, it's just that I get nervous when it comes to the final test and manage to fail it each time. And as an almost 20 year old, it was embarrassing.

"Glad to see you could make it." I look back to see Eddie waving from the doorway of his trailer home. I shrug, "Yeah, me too." He ushers me inside and I follow him into his room. "Sit, we've got lots of shit to do." I groan, "It's only noon, do we have to start right away?" He shoves a tall stack of books into my arms, "Yep!"

I ignore all distractions and focus on the work in front of me. The only time I let myself divert my attention to something other than studying was to check the time. The clock read 3:28pm, which meant almost three and a half hours of studying had gone by relatively fast. "Okay, so, we covered parallel parking, turning signals, road signs... That's all I've got books on, sorry. It should be enough to get you a license." He says.

I shut the textbook in front of me, "It better be. I think I learned more today than I did in my entire high school career." I give him a nervous look and he places a comforting hand on my shoulder, "C'mon, let's go. I'll drive you." He gives me an encouraging smile. "Let's get this over with." I mutter, leaving books and mixtapes spread across his bed as we leave the Munson trailer for the BMV.

"Since you don't have a car, I'll stay with you while you're taking your test and maybe afterwards we can get lunch or something. " He unlocks his car and we get in. "That's cool with me." I realized that the thought of having my own car to drive never even crossed my mind. "Buckle up." He taps his fingers on the wheel, impatiently waiting on me to put on my seatbelt. "I don't need you flying through the windshield on your way to get your drivers license."

"Yeah, yeah.." I do as he says and soon we're on our way to Hawkins BMV. I lean forward and turn on the radio, desperate for some type of distraction. Soon enough, we pull into the BMV parking lot. "Shit, Eddie, I dunno if I'm ready, seriously, we should just leave." I rub my face with my hands and he parks the car.

"C'mon, just go out there and practice everything you learned today. I'll be here waiting for you when you get back with your license." I sigh and he wraps his arms around me, planting a quick kiss on the top of my head. "Thanks, Ed." I say. "Don't mention it. Go kick some ass." He pushes me away from him, "Now, go!"

I wave behind me as I walk through the front doors of the large building. "Here goes nothing."

-time skip-

I walk out of the BMV a new woman. A brand new Y/N Y/L/N; the same as I was before, but with a drivers license. Eddie was sitting in his car drumming on the steering wheel with the radio blasting as I knocked on the door, holding my license up to the window. "Holy shit! You actually did it!" He cheers. "I know, it's crazy.." I say, staring at my official Indiana drivers license. I glance over at Eddie who was staring at me. "I couldn't have done this without you, Eddie."

He grins and starts the car, "Don't mention it."

The car ride consisted of listening to The Clash blaring on the stereo, which we both really enjoyed. I wasn't really sure where we were going, but I was too excited to care. "You hungry?" He asks. "Starving." I say. "Good, me too."

We stop at the local diner and walk inside, excited for our go-to meal. Thankfully, it wasn't very busy so we were able to order as soon as we stepped in line. "Two slices of cheese pizza, please." Eddie orders for both of us, given we've ordered the same thing here since we were in junior high.

As we wait on our food we take our seats at one of the booths on the corner of the dining room. There's a jukebox on the other side of the diner and I take note of the loose change I had in my pocket. "Be right back." I say and Eddie removes his arm from around my shoulder.

I insert two quarters and scan through the selection of songs; I was never good at making decisions, so I took a chance and picked at random. As I turn around I see Eddie is already up and out of his seat, "What?" I ask. He doesn't say anything, for the music begins to play and he nods his head, "Good choice". I giggle and he puts a hand on my waist and intertwines the other with mine. He starts to sway and sing along, "Crazy, that's how it goes,"

I grin once I recognize the song, "You can never go wrong with Ozzy." He spins me around and we continue to dance out of beat with the song. The music continues to play but I barely notice it as we stop and stand there, hand in hand, looking at one another.

"I'm really proud of you, Y/N."

He slowly wraps his arms around me and I rest my head in the crook of his neck. We both seem to forget that we're in the middle of a restaurant, but we don't care. We remain together, swaying to the music, and I wasn't going to be the one to bring it to an end.

But neither was he.

Neither of us pull away.

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