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"Bye, dad!" I call as I walk out the front door and make my way to the road distant from our cabin. I'm sure to step over the tripwire set up a short distance from the porch as I trudge through the dirt and leaves.

Mondays are terrible for everyone, but I felt especially good about today. Maybe it was because I had already finished my homework on Sunday, or maybe it was because I was getting a ride to school with my best friend since birth, Eddie Munson.

After a couple minutes of walking, I glance at the empty, gravel road. A wave of panic washes over me, thinking Eddie forgot he was taking me to school today, but am relieved once I look down a few feet and see his car in park. "Eddie!" He stops messing with his hair in his rear view mirror and turns around as I approach the passenger door, "It's about time you showed up, I was about to let you walk to school."

He shifts his gearstick into drive and skids away from the woods and into central Hawkins. The car ride wasn't very long, but the entire trip consisted of us arguing over which song was better; Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell.

We pull into the school parking lot and he parks his car away from everyone else's. I've ridden with Eddie before, he does this everywhere; he parks far from the crowd because he gets nervous when parking in between cars. It means we have to walk further, but I never say anything, knowing it was something he was insecure about.

"Let's rock 'n' roll." I say, slinging my backpack over my shoulders and joining the crowd of students racing to get to their classes on time. Eddie follows close behind me, though we don't have first period together, he walks me to class whenever he gets the chance.

As we walk down the halls, I receive multiple hateful comments. From the clothes I was wearing to the people I hung out with, these kids would find something to dislike about you if they felt you didn't belong. Eddie walked alongside me, cracking jokes about some of the jocks we passed, picking on the underclassmen, and doing just about anything he could to ignore the entitled pricks of our school. "Look! It's the freak and his freak girlfriend! Get outta here, freaks!"

Jason Carver. One of the most entitled pricks at Hawkins High. "Hey, Carver!" He turns around and I make eye contact with him, "Fuck you, momma's boy!" I yell, flipping him and his posse off as we walk by. Eddie does the same and we high five once we're out of sight. "God, I hate that guy. I don't even wanna know what kind of music he listens to." Eddie has a gross look on his face, "Probably country gospel." I pretend to gag, "Yuck!" We continue to talk about rock the last few feet to my first period. "All I'm saying is, if all these kids listened to Ozzy, Hawkins would be a better place." I grin, "That's what I'm saying."

We reach the door to my classroom and I turn to face him, "See you at lunch." Eddie and I had one class together and it was our last period of the day, which sucked because I was always tired and overwhelmed with homework by then. "See you then, Y/N." He puts both hands in the 'sign of the horns' gesture and sticks his tongue out at me, bidding me goodbye as he usually did. I flash the sign back at him and walk into class, dreading the next few hours of work until lunch.


Finally, the bell had rung and it was time for lunch. I quickly gather my things and hurry to get to the cafeteria. I thought that being a senior meant respect and authority, but turns out as long as you're a freak, you're at the bottom of the food chain.

"Hey, you!" I ignore the guy behind me, thinking he's calling to a friend, but soon feel a pair of hands on my back and am shoved to the ground, hitting my nose on the hard tile. "This'll teach you and your other Satan-worshipping friends."

Jason fucking Carver.

"Oh, shit." I hear one of the boys say. I look up and see a group of athletes in green letter jackets. "Lucas?" I whisper, recognizing the boy from Hellfire club. Jason directs his attention from me to Lucas. "Dude, you're friends with this freak?" I grab my bag and slowly get up, covering my nose with my hand as it had begun to bleed. "No! I don't know how she knows me. Probably just heard you call me Lucas, that's all." Jason glared at him before nudging him as he walked past him. Once Jason was out of sight, Lucas mouthed the word 'sorry' and ran off to catch up with his friends.

"Christ." I began to worry my nose may be broken, noticing that the blood hasn't stopped flowing yet. I needed to go home, given the nurse wouldn't do anything for me. The staff shun the outcasts just like the rest of the school, so I figured the best place to go would be home. I walk through the cafeteria doors and spot Eddie standing on the lunch table making weird faces. He really did live up to the title 'freak'.

I try not to draw too much attention to myself, though blood was running down my arms and face, I did what I could to be subtle. Today was not a good day to wear my short sleeved Hellfire t-shirt. "Hey, Y/N! What's-" Dustin's eyes go wide as he sees my face, "Jesus, Christ! What the hell happened? You look terrible!" I shrug, "Just rich people being dicks, that's all." By now, Eddie had come back to his chair, "Why's everyone so quiet?" He asked, unsure of everyone's shocked expressions.

"Holy fuck." Eddie draws out his words as he notices my current state. He quickly hops out of his seat and rushes to my side, cradling my head in his hands. His eyes are full of panic as he hurriedly shrugs off his jean vest and places it under my nose. I wince at the contact, "Sorry, sorry, I'm just trying to help." I acknowledge him , "The blood is gonna stain your vest." 

"I don't care." He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out the keys to his car. "If anyone asks, uh, well, Y/N broke her nose and we had to go to the hospital." The rest of the boys at the table nod their heads and Eddie grabs my arm, leading us out of the lunchroom, but not before glaring at the table of jocks. "They did this, didn't they?" He asks.

I look over my shoulder to see everyone at their table staring and even a few laughing. "The freshman, he was there, too." Eddie drags me out of the room and checks on me every few steps to make sure that I didn't feel like I was going to pass out or anything.

"Eddie, it's just a broken nose, I'll be fine." I say as I wipe more fresh blood onto the vest he lent me. He pushed through the front doors of the school and jogged to the car, jumping in and starting it as fast as he could, then getting out to open the passenger door for me. "What a gentleman." I say, smirking as I slide into my seat. "Only for you."

He puts the car in reverse and pulls out of his spot, then shifts gears and rips out of the parking lot at a high speed. "Jesus, Eddie, the speed limit is 20 and we're going 50!" He ignores me and turns a sharp right. "This isn't the way to the hospital?" I questioned both him and myself. I didn't necessarily know where it was, but I'm sure he didn't either.

"Just, trust me, okay? Are you feeling alright?" I lean my head back in attempt to slow down the bleeding, "Never better, thanks." He slams the breaks in front of a building that was all too familiar. "Hawkins Police Department?" I sigh as I realize his plan. "My dad's gonna be pissed.."

I get out of the car and Eddie puts an arm around my shoulder, "Pissed that you came to him in a time of need? I don't think so.." We walk in the building and are greeted by Florence, who I've met previously when she made me wait with her while my dad was working on 'important business'.

"What do you kids- Oh, Y/N, are you alright?" I push past her and Eddie follows close behind me, "Just fine, Florence, thank you." I knock three times on the door that read 'CHIEF' on it and waited for a reply. "Come in!" I look to Eddie and give him a pleading look, but he only puts his hand on the door handle and lets us in. As soon as I stepped inside, he stood up from his desk and already seemed to have an upset look on his face. "What the hell happened? What are you doing here?"

"Well, you see, I was just minding my own business.." He gave me an unimpressed look. I sighed and Eddie rubbed my back with his hand in a comforting manner. "Jason Carver pushed me onto the floor and I broke my nose." I wiped my nose with the jean vest I had in my hand. "Christ, it's definitely broken, we need to get you to a hospital."

He glanced over at Eddie as he grabbed his hat, "Thanks for bringing her here, Ed." Eddie hated that nickname. "No problem, chief." My dad nodded at him before taking me by the hand and dragging me behind him. Eddie followed us outside to watch us leave for the hospital,

"Call me when you get home!" He shouts after us as my dad slowly backs out of his parking spot.

"I will!" I yell, waving my arm out of the window.

I couldn't wait to get home.

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