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"How does this thing even work?" I pull the stick out of the box, handing it to Robin. "You're supposed to pee on it, doofus!" She grins, handing it back to me. "Well.." I sigh, "Let's pray it's negative." Robin shrugs, "I dunno, a little Henderson-Munson baby would be kinda cute." I roll my eyes and shoo her out of the bathroom, "Yeah, right." I close the door and Robin taps her fingers along the door frame, "I'll be waiting!"

I lift the toilet seat up and take a seat, rethinking my entire life as I pee on the pregnancy test. I had decided to take a test when my period came late and I had been feeling nauseous almost every day for a few weeks. Actually, Robin was the one who suggested I take one after I told her about my symptoms, though I told her it was probably just a cold, she determined otherwise.

"Are you almost done in there? I didn't hear you pee yet." Robin wiggles her fingers under the door. "Christ! I'm washing my hands." I dry my hands off and unlock the door, signaling for Robin to come in. She rushes inside, picking the test up from the counter. "We have to wait a few minutes before the results show up." I remind her. "What're you gonna name the baby?" Robin asks blankly. "Oh, shut up." She shakes her head, "I'm serious! Do you want a boy or girl?" I groan, "Robin, please, don't do this to me." She rubs my back comfortingly, "Sorry, I'm just excited."

I place my hand on hers, "It's okay," I glance down at the test, "It probably says negative already." I mutter. "Don't be so confident,
Y/N.." She warns. "Oh, come on, we use protection! There's no way I'm," I flip over the test, "pregnant."

My heart sinks at the two blue lines before me. "Are you-" Robin snatches the test out of my grasp and brings a hand to her mouth, "Holy shit, you're pregnant." A mix of fear and shock washes over me and tears begin to form in the corners of my eyes. "Oh, Y/N.." Robin wraps her arms around me, "It'll be okay! Eddie will be a great dad! And you'll be a great mom!" I cry into her shoulder as she tries to comfort me, "It's not that, it's just, how am I gonna tell him? What's he going to say? Shit, my mom is gonna be pissed." I trail off.

Robin pulls away from me and places her hands on each side of my face, "Everything's gonna be okay, got it?" She impatiently waits for me to answer, but I only nod. "I'm just worried about what everyone is going to think." I mumble, "A twenty year old with a baby isn't necessarily something to brag about." She tosses the pregnancy test in the trash, "It's just a baby, it's not that big of a deal." I give her an annoyed look, "It is if you're the one who's carrying it for eight months." I get up and leave the small bathroom as she follows close behind, "Right.."

I walk into my bedroom and grab my skateboard, "I'm just gonna tell him." Robin stays on my tail as I wander throughout the house, "You want me to come with you? I can come with if you'd like, I have absolutely no problem-" I cut her off, "Robin, I'm sorry, but I think it's better I do this on my own." She sighs, "Right, sorry," She points towards the front door, "I should get going then." I place a hand on her shoulder and pull her into a small hug, "Thanks for everything. I'll call you as soon as I get home." She laughs before letting go, "You better."

We walk out of the house and I hop on my board as she starts her car. Robin rolls down her window, "You need a ride?" I shake my head, "I'll be fine." I wave goodbye and push myself down the street. I didn't think being pregnant meant I couldn't skateboard, if anything I just had to be extra careful now. Luckily, the trailer park wasn't too far from my house, so I didn't have to skate very far.

I skid across the gravel, bringing myself to a stop and picking up my board. Eddie's van was in the driveway, so I assumed he was home. I leave my skateboard on the porch and knock on the door three times. "Coming!" I hear Eddie's voice from inside the trailer as I prepare myself for the news I was about to give. The door opens and I'm greeted with a smile from Eddie, "Y/N! I, uh, wasn't expecting you.." He opens the door wide enough for me to see inside, in which the couch was deconstructed and what appeared to be a large pillow fort was in the middle of the room. "It's fine, really, can I come in?" He happily nods and motions me inside.

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