movie night

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requested by @-strangetingz
smut ahead.

"Please, please, please let me do your makeup," I beg, "Please?" I plead to Eddie as he tries to tune me out by turning up the volume of the movie we were watching. "Y/N, you've been asking me for weeks, what makes you think I'm going to agree today?" I cross my arms across my chest, slumping into the couch as I accept defeat. That is until a devilishly good idea pops into my head. "I'll give you something in return..?" He quickly turns the volume back down, "I'm listening.."

Eddie had been very invested in our movie date, though he denied liking 'Clue', I knew he secretly enjoyed it. He had been glued to the TV screen all night up until I had made him the offer. "If you let me do your makeup, I'll.." I sigh, acting oblivious to what I knew we both had in mind. Rather than finishing my sentence, I trail my hand from his chest down to his groin, palming him lightly. He sucks in a breath through gritted teeth, nodding his head, "Yeah, okay, you can do my makeup." I throw my arms around him, already planning out what products I was going to use, "Yes! Don't move, I'll be right back." I stumble off of the couch and onto the floor, hurriedly picking myself back up as I run to my bathroom.

I snatch my makeup-filled caboodle from the counter and rush back to the living room. "Are you ready?" I ask, walking around the corner with my hands full of supplies. "Uh, yes?" He asked, unsure of what being ready looked like. "Just sit still and let me do the work." I set my caboodle on the opposite end of the sofa, digging through it for one specific shade of eyeshadow. "Perfect." I whisper to myself, pulling out a small container of black eyeshadow along with a tube of eyeliner. Grabbing a makeup brush as well, I walk towards Eddie and straddle his lap, his hands finding their way to my thighs as I tilted his head back and got to work.

"Close your eyes, doofus." I laugh. "Why? I can't see myself anyways." He unwillingly squints his eyes shut. I place a soft kiss on his forehead, "Thank you." I begin applying a sloppy layer of black powder to his eyelids, being sure to capture his metal essence. The only time I heard him complain was when I readjusted my position on his lap, causing him to groan, "Y/N.." I stop moving once I find a comfortable position, "Sorry," I tease, "If you want, you can open your eyes now."

Eddie's eyes blink open and I smirk, "You look hot." He raises an eyebrow, "Really? Can I see?" I pull the eyeliner out of my pocket and shake my head, "Not until I'm done." He sighs and watches me closely as I touch up his face. As I carefully line his eyelids with black, I catch a glance of him staring at me intently, "You look so pretty from this angle." He says, playfully rubbing his hands along my thighs. I blush at his comment and continue to outline his eyes with black. "You look very pretty from this angle." I reply, excitement in my voice. I had been heavily inspired by a simple look Ozzy had been rocking during his 'The Ultimate Sin' tour. I wasn't sure if Eddie was very familiar with it, but I was sure he'd grasp the classic rocker style, given all the black I was using.

"Does that mean we're done?" He asks. I scoff at his impatience and pull my compact mirror out of my back pocket, allowing him to admire his new look. "Holy shit, Y/N.." He mumbles, "I look like Ozzy!" I smile at his child-like expression, a lopsided grin plastered across his face, "You like it?" I ask. "Oh, I love it." He brings his hands from my thighs to my waist, pulling me in for a kiss.

He sighs, "I should've let you do this sooner." I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, "Yeah, you should have." He closes the gap between us as he places his lips on mine once more. The kiss became more heated and I began to slowly grind into him, the friction between his jeans and my shorts causing pleasure for both of us. Faint groans are muffled by the sound of the movie still playing in the background, "Eddie," I reach for the zipper of his jeans, "I want you." Unzipping his pants and pushing them down, I pull his dick out, pumping it at a painfully slow speed.
"Y/N.." He grunts, trying to buck his hips into my hand.

I pull away from him and get off of the couch, standing in front of him as he sat there waiting for my touch. He watches me intently as I slip my shorts down to my ankles, "Wow." He ogles my body. "Now, take off the rest." He smirks. I unclip my bra and toss it to the side, doing the same with my panties. "Satisfied?" I ask. "Not until you're on top of me again." I roll my eyes at his neediness. "Please?" He flashes me a sweet smile and I gladly straddle his lap. I grab his dick and position it at my entrance, taking a deep breath in as I steadily sit down on it. Eddie let's out a strained moan, impatiently waiting for me to give him the signal to move. "You okay?" He asks. I nod, letting out the breath I had been holding once he's fully in me. "You can start moving."

He begins pumping in and out of me at a moderate pace, steadying himself by gripping onto my hips. "God, Eddie." I rest my head on his shoulder, laying sloppy kisses all over his neck. He began to run his hands across my chest, massaging my breasts as he continued to thrust into me at a slightly faster speed than before. "Fuck," The stimulation I was receiving was building up my climax, "I'm close." I placed my hands on the back of the couch and started to ride Eddie, allowing him to sit back and take a break from doing most of the work. The sound of skin slapping and moans filled the room; I was thankful my parents had decided to go out for the night. "Shit, I'm gonna come." Eddie groans.

I let out a string of moans, my walls clenching as I release onto him. "Fuck! Eddie!" I yelp. He bucks his hips a few more times and releases inside me, "God, Y/N," He pants, falling back into the couch. We each try to catch our breaths as I lift myself off of him and lean my body up against his. He slings an arm around my shoulder and kicks his feet up on the coffee table, "I feel very rock 'n' roll right now." I grab the knitted blanket next to me and throw it over us, covering our bare bodies. "Shit, now we gotta rewind the tape." I sigh, lazily tossing the blanket off of me and getting up to play back the movie. As I bend over to push the rewind button on the VCR, I hear Eddie snickering from behind me. "I like the view from back here." I roll my eyes and hit play once the tape reached to about the place that we had stopped paying attention and return to my seat on the couch, "Of course you would." I grin. My head rested on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me as we cuddled with one another under the comfort of the blanket.

I look up at Eddie and adore his makeup, knowing this may be the last time I'd ever get to see him like this. "What?" He asks, taking note of my staring. "Nothing, you just look really cool." I pause, "Not that you don't normally look cool, just, like, cooler." He chuckles and lays a gentle kiss on my lips, "I feel the same way." I smile and return my attention back to the television, getting too invested in the movie once again.

"Wait, so, the butler is definitely the one who's killing everybody, right?" I ask.

Eddie snorts, "Duh."

A/N if u don't know what a caboodle is pls educate yourself 😔🙏🙏💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️

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