1 - Starting the Day

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"Y/n you must have been very sleepy. Being late for your free time. Of course, I could never get mad at you. It'll be our little secret."

(Second POV)

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* You sat up as your alarm went off. You turned it off and set your head in your hands thinking back to your dream. Secret... this has to mean something. You grabbed out your journal that sits in its regular spot in the drawer in your bed side table. You write down what you remember.

Aug 19th - secrets, tired, free time, "I could never be mad at you"

It was something you started doing a few months ago when you started getting these very vivid dreams every night. Some repeat, but some seem to continue on, as if it was a story. It was something small, but it made you feel intrigued. As if there was something in these dreams that was trying to be told. You would tell your parents about them, but they would brush it off. As if it was something they weren't worried about. But, recently your mom gave you a new medication saying that it would help with my dreams. First she didn't care and then she gave you a medication... it was as if she was trying to keep me away from them

You recently stopped telling your parents about your dreams due to the recent medicine increase. You didn't want to be hopped up on pills for however long so you decided this would be best. Yet, you knew that if they were to figure out that you were lying about not having those dreams anymore... that you would get in trouble. It was always a thought at the back of your head to tell them, but you knew that they wouldn't care. They would just increase your meds and continue to talk about how they are just dreams and how you shouldn't be worrying about them.

Finally, after writing down the things you remember in your journal you decided to get ready for school. You swing your legs over your bed feeling the cold, cement flooring on your feet. Living in the basement has its perks, like having complete and utter privacy from all of your family. It's not like they even know when you are actually home anyways. And or care if your home. But you've gotten used to the sensation of loneliness. Your parents put you down there because they said it would help you become independent. Yet, living in a cold not finished basement really sucked.

You walk over towards your closet and see a glimpse of yourself in your full-length mirror.  Your hair falls slightly above your eyebrows and is very curly. Its abnormal for you to actually style your hair but Steve always says it would make you stand out more. Like you really need that. So, you finish the last few feet over to your closet and look into your wardrobe. Tees, button ups, vests, long sleeves, everything a normal 17-year-old boy would have in his closet.

Even though it being the first day you still decide to go with your usual. A plain white tee with black jeans and your blue bomber jacket. It's comfortable and doesn't let you stand out, something you don't need in your junior year. You grab your black and white adidas sneakers and walk out of the basement towards the bathroom.

Steve is of course awake and, in the kitchen, talking to your parents. Like he does every morning. You sneak a peek at the clock in the kitchen before you head into the bathroom... 7:25. Cool you thought, enough time to finish getting ready for school and get out of the house before you get yelled at. So, you quickly brushed your teeth, tried to do something with your hair even though it failed.

Trying to give yourself a reassuring smile as you walked out of the bathroom was another fail for the morning. And finally, you made your way to school. Walking was the simplest way to get to school since you didn't have a car and you only lived a few blocks away from the school.

Soon enough you were at school watching kids walk into the building. You made your way into the building keeping your head low. Maybe today won't be too bad you thought as you made your way into your first period class.


(Y/n POV)

I walked towards my class not thinking too much about what's going on around me, until I bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I said looking up to the face of a guy. He had long dark brown curly hair and eyes that seemed to stare into my soul. He just kept staring at me not saying anything, so I just nodded my head and walked away. Weird conversation, I guess. Even you could even that that interaction a conversation.

I continued to walk down the hall and made it to my locker. Opening it up was of course difficult and embarrassing. I struggled for what felt like 5 minutes until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a guy with short brown curly hair.

"I noticed you were having trouble with your locker, need some help?" He asked. I slightly laughed and nodded my head as I stepped to the side allowing him access to my locker. Within less than 10 seconds he had it open and I stood there in shock. He turned around and saw my face as he stood there triumphantly.

"This used to be my locker last year, that's the only reason I can open it. Or else I would just suggest keeping a hammer in your locker to pry it open."

"I'll have to think about it. But I could always just use you to open my locker." I said as I walked over to my now open locker so I could put my books into my locker from my bookbag.

"So uh, are you new here? I can't say I've ever seen you."

I turned and looked at the boy. "No... I'm not new I've lived here my whole life. Just was always too busy blending into the background to be noticed."

"Well, my name is Gareth." He held his hand out

"Y/n" you said shaking his hand.

(1054 Words)

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