4 - Thank You

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(Y/n POV)

I walked into Mrs. Quinn's classroom hoping that she would be there to comfort me. Yet she was nowhere to be found. So, I just stepped away from her classroom and made my way to the second place where I know I'm safe. I felt tears starting to slowly form out of my eyes again, but I couldn't let them fall. I'm not a child anymore. I can't simply just cry over people knowing me. It's not like how it always was before. I'm practically an adult... I can take care of myself.

Soon I made my way to the doors to the band room. I quietly walked over to the drums and picked up the sticks, waving them around in my hand and sitting down, grabbing out my notebook. I began banging away at the drums until I got even more frustrated until I heard the door open. I threw the sticks towards the door, hearing one snap in half hitting the wall and the other one hit the glass on the door. I looked over to see Gareth standing in the doorway.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." I said angrily before packing up my bag and starting to walk to the door.

"It was Jason... Jason Carver... just wanted you to know." He turned around and started to walk away as I grabbed his shoulder.

"Thank you. I really needed to know who."

"Y/n where are you going?"

"I'm gonna show this little bitch not to fuck with me." I swung the doors open, revealing the whole lunchroom. Everyone was staring at me and that's when I saw Jason standing near his table. I walked proudly over to him. He finally noticed me walking over to him and started to introduce himself.

"Oh Y/n Harrington isn't it? Hi, I'm Jason Carver. You have probably heard about me from this school because of my reputation." I felt my face heat up as I walked closer to him, fist in a ball. I felt everyone's eyes still on me as I walked straight to his face.

"Tell them what you did Jason, 2 years ago... my freshman and your sophomore year. Tell them what you did. Tell them all how you treated me. And then explain to me why you continue to treat me like shit."

"I don't know what you mean Y/n I didn't do anything." He's defying it. How can he defy it? I felt someone try to grab my hand before it happened, but it did. I looked down on the ground, his bloody nose pouring onto his white shirt. I smiled at the sight and kneeled down next to him, pulling him up by his hair.

"You're right, I have heard of your reputation. I've heard of how shitty it is. I've heard about you getting girls drunk at parties and then taking them home. But that wasn't all you did, was it? Tell them what you did or I'll tell everyone for you. They already know your reputation. You even did it to your own girlfriend didn't you?'' I threw his head back onto the corner of the table while walking away. I heard people scrambling to help him, but at the same time I heard cheering. Cheering from the science geeks, the musical nerds, and the "Freaks". I just smiled as I walked back out the door, seeing Gareth with Eddie in the door.

"Come on Y/n let's get you cleaned up." I smiled and nodded as the three of us walked to the bathroom. I washed the blood off my hands and tried to get it off my jacket but failed horribly. I thought back to that high that I got, seeing Jason bloody on the floor. It wasn't much but it was enough to make me feel powerful. I looked back down at my hands, seeing nothing wrong with them, other than a slight bruise on my knuckles.

"You know that was pretty bad ass. But what did you say when you kneeled down to talk to him?" I looked over at Eddie as he talked. He never went to parties. He doesn't know how it felt to be in the presence of anyone there.

"Just a fair warning."

"Warning?" Gareth asked.

"Yes, just a warning. Shall we get going?" They both nodded and let me walk out before them. Eddie seemed to have a worried expression, but I didn't think about it. I opened the door and saw a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and a cheer uniform. Eddie was about to talk to her until she grabbed my hand and started to lead me away from everyone.

"I'm Chrissy," she said almost scared, "Thank you for what you did."

"You, Chrissy Cunningham, thanking me for hitting your boyfriend?"

"There's not much I can do but the cheer girls thank you. All of us do." She looked down almost in shame as she said this.

"You guys don't have to worry. I'll keep you all safe, especially from him."

"How do you know what he did to all of us?" I just shook my head and scoffed.

"That is none of your problem, now you better leave before he catches you talking to me and wants to hurt you again." She smiled and nodded about to walk towards where we came from. I grabbed her arm stopping her.

"Don't go that way, go towards your next class. Lunch is almost over, and he won't think anything of it." I let go of her arm and walked back to my friends. Gareth was smirking at me and Eddie just shook his head.

"Soo Y/n what was that about?'' Gareth asked while side eyeing Eddie, who seemed to look annoyed. I've heard about those two... he's probably annoyed she wanted to talk to me and not him.

"She was just thanking me."

"For punching her boyfriend?"

"No... for calling him out in front of his friends." I turned around and started heading to my next class. It truly does mean a lot to me that I was able to help those girls. But what if I just put myself in danger? I just shook my head, putting my hand on my left wrist as I continued to walk towards my class. AP Calculus here I come...

I felt the eyes of the two boys on the back of my head as I calmly walked away. They don't need to know much of what our conversation consisted of. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, and I looked to the side to see Eddie there.

"Come on prince, we are leaving this shit hole." I looked at him confused as I unwrapped his arm around my shoulder and continued to head to class. Yet, of course, he tried again, and I moved it off again. He then put both of his hands around my shoulders and walked behind me.

"Come on Y/n if you stay here then you'll get in trouble." I rolled my eyes and turned around and put my mouth to his ear so I'm able to whisper.

"They'll have to understand the game if they wanna play it." I smiled and waved as I turned back away from him and continued my walk to class. If he thinks he's getting me out of here on the first day, he is actually insane. I have to keep my grades up... it's my only way out of this crap town.

(1226 Words)

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