10 - Some Time Later

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(Y/n POV)

"Good to see you again, handsome."

"Hello again." I looked at the man in front of me. My dreams have become even more vivid than usual recently. It's almost worrying, honestly. It's as if the dreams I am having are more real feeling than the actual real world. I've been talking to Mrs. Quinn, my art teacher, about them. She says that dreams show how my subconscious is currently feeling. She says I should get a book from the public library. Which, honestly, I'm too lazy to do myself; so, she pulled out a copy she had in her desk. She says it gives her ideas for her art.

"I am truly sorry that we have only been able to meet in these circumstances."

"It's fine, I know you're only part of my dreams."

"Part of your mind? Is that all you think, darling? "

"We'll, I've only seen you in my dreams." right? I have only seen him in my dreams. I've never seen him anywhere else, right?

"If I could see you more I would, but this is all I can do currently."

"Do you mean you could see me more?"

"That is a complicated answer. For later, darling." He cupped my cheek with his hand, slowly moving his thumb up and down. I felt my legs go limp as I felt a huge smile come on my face as I melted into his touch. "Y/n, you truly are a treasure."

"You used my name?"

"Is that a problem?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I just... I don't know yours."

"For another time, darling." I felt the room around me spin as my brain must have been waking itself up. I looked up at him, saddened to know this talk was over again. "I'll see you soon."

"Do you mean in real life or-..." The room went black as he disappeared. This is fucking stupid. He always says, 'For another time' and 'I can't tell you know', like what the actual fuck man. I WANT TO MEET YOU, DAMN IT.

I opened my eyes to the darkness of my room. I still had a tingling sensation in my cheek from where the mystery man had touched me. His soft, protective, even comforting touch. I've felt a touch like it before, the first day, the day I ran out of the lunchroom.

Even to this day, I don't know who it was that helped me calm down that day. I asked both Eddie and Gareth. They both said no, of course. But I haven't known them long enough to know if they are lying.

Honestly, a few months have passed since the first day of school. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike, all joined us at the 'Hellfire' table, which was honestly one of the highlights of the day. I myself still haven't joined the actual club because I don't know how to play. Eddie has volunteered to teach me, but I'm not putting him through that hell. Plus, it's more fun to watch them play.

They usually have campaigns every other Wednesday. I usually go in early with Eddie and help him set up the main area. I then set up my little area in one of the corners. We pulled in a desk from a nearby classroom, and I set out all of my drawing stuff as well as my Walkman. I'm pretty much known as the 'Hellfire Illustrator'. I draw the boys and almost make a small comic out of them.

My favorite person to draw is Eddie. His long, curly hair and the throne we put together ourselves really make a great scene to draw. Some great ambience for the game. Then there are the red lights that we put on every time. They really pointed out a lot of things about him. But the dungeon master version of him is definitely an attractive version of him. I will not deny it. When he would go from one character to himself, then to yet another character, It truly was marvelous.

Other than the campaigns, it hasn't been too crazy. Jason has seemed to leave me alone, other than his creepy staring, and Chrissy has seemed to lay off talking to Eddie. He always mocks her and says how he hates having to talk to her. I shouldn't usually laugh, but truthfully, I wouldn't call Chrissy one of my friends. I know she's said we were friends, and I've agreed with her at points, but I don't talk to her, EVER. And the main reason for that is that she's around Jason all the time again. I guess the power couple of the school has come together again!

But like I said, Jason does leave me alone, other than his creepy staring. I'll be waiting after school for Eddie to drive me home, and I'll see Jason staring at me. There are even times when I catch him staring at me at lunch. Eddie's caught onto it and will stare back at him until he notices and awkwardly looks away. I truly don't know if Jason is giving me a protective stare or an "I want to kill you" stare. They are very difficult to tell apart sometimes. But as it's been getting closer and closer to the middle of the year break, it seems to be getting worse. At first it was easy to ignore, but the group has even noticed I'm uneasy at all times.

Since it's been getting worse, Eddie has been walking me to class. He knows my past with him. I mean, I did tell him. I also told Gareth, but he has seemed very distant recently. I don't know why, and it's so damn annoying. I just don't understand why. Maybe I've done something? I've talked to Eddie about it; he says Gareth does this at times. He'll ignore everyone until campaign day, and then everything will be okay again. But he doesn't do it to everyone; he's literally talking to everyone but ME. He is always ignoring ME, and I don't understand it anymore. He honestly looks at me like I deserve to be hung for something. SOMETHING THAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND.

I've tried to talk to him, but it's as if this mother fucker has selective hearing. He'll listen to EVERYTHING but my voice. It hurts. It honestly does. My heart breaks every time he ignores me. He was my first true friend. He was always the one that came to visit me when I was sick. And he was the one that kept me comfortable at all times. But now it's as if he's gone, as if he's just a part of my past.

I finished my thoughts as soon as my alarm for school rang. I sat up to turn it off, only to discover that it had gone off a minute late, at 7:01. I guess it's weird, but whatever, I'll just have to make sure I set it for the correct time next time. Swinging my feet off the side of my bed, I cringed after feeling the cold cement under my feet. I lazily pushed myself out of bed and walked towards the mirror that I had sitting in the corner next to my closet. I seemed to be losing weight. I put my hand down my chest and felt how much I've seemed to lose in the last few months.

But I slid my hand down too far as I felt the scar from my past. I felt my whole body tense up as I stared down at the scar in the mirror. I know I have to get used to it eventually, but thinking back to the night is so difficult. The pain and the agony that I went through were unbearable. I closed my eyes only to feel a tear roll down my cheek. Did I really start tearing up? God, I really am still affected horribly by it. I just let out a heavy sigh as I rubbed away the turn and turned toward my closet. It is a very sickening thought that it'll be there forever.

(1335 words)

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