6 - Getting to know him

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(Y/n POV)

"So Y/n... are you gonna explain to me why you have such a bad relationship with Jason?"

"Don't most people?"

"We'll yes but you punched him in the face... in front of everyone. It just seemed as though it had much more anger in it." He continued to explain everything behind my punch as if it was some mathematical equation. We soon got to my class and I turned and looked at him.

"I'll explain after school just please leave it alone for you." He nodded and took my hand.

"Y/n you know I'll always believe you." I just smile as he takes my bruised knuckles and kisses them. I felt my face flush bright red and I quickly turned around and walked into my class. All I heard was his laugh as I walked into the back of the class and threw my head in my arms. What the hell was that? Why did he do that? Did he really do that? Am I going insane? What the actual guck is going on?


(Eddie's POV)

I dragged my feet all the way to class not really wanting to go. But I felt my heart pulling me towards the class. Then I saw him. He was standing in front of the classroom door talking to Gareth. I felt my heart hurt but I decided to press on. Until I saw him lift up Y/n's hand up to his lips and kiss them. Nothing much but enough to make me absolutely furious. Y/n just turned around and walked into his class and Gareth just laughed.

I couldn't stop what I was doing. I just felt my body walk up to him. I didn't do anything just stared at him. I looked him in the eyes as he just smiled and walked away. I didn't know what his game was, I didn't know anything. I felt so confused as if my world was breaking into a million pieces. I wasn't used to being jealous nor was I used to actually liking someone.

I've had a girlfriend or two, but I broke up with them because I didn't feel anything. I didn't use them... I didn't even do anything with them. I simply couldn't bring myself to do it. Girls around here believe that if you have sex with them then you are instantly soulmates. I knew that... so I never did anything. I knew I could never bring myself to do anything with someone who I don't love. I never even got jealous over them.

But... when I saw Y/n walk through the hallways I instantly knew what love at first sight meant. I mean I never believed Jeff when he would say that men fall in love in the first 8 seconds of the relationship. Yet, that smile and the lively laugh he had; it was almost irresistible. I know I'm the king of freaks and I feel as though I have a crush on Y/n, but I couldn't ever bring myself to let him get hurt. I know whole heartedly that any relationship with him would be an utter mistake. I can't make the school hate him for hanging out with me, I can't bring myself to do that.

I felt my thoughts finally slip my mind as I put my first foot into the classroom. I walked a few feet further and looked to my left looking for an open seat... then I saw him. The adorable curls that fell perfectly framing his face. I don't understand how I've never noticed him earlier. He was a ray of sunshine that only a few people aren't afraid of. Maybe it's because of his last name or how honestly attractive he was... but I noticed a bunch of girls eyeing him. Smiling and whispering to each other, some even twisting their own hair. Yet, Y/n didn't even notice. He was too busy drawing on his arm to realize everyone gawking over him.

I felt a smirk form on my face as I walked towards his desk. My chains clashing together as I was walking towards him must have alerted him.  As he continued to keep his head down but shift his eyes up towards me. I felt a slight blush hit my cheeks as I saw a smile creep onto his lips. Is he happy to see me? He pulled his bag off the seat next to him and slightly looked over to it signaling me to sit next to him. I heard more whispering as I sat down next to him and rested my head in my hand looking at him.

'Did he just move his bag for the freak?' 'People were asking to sit next to him and he said no.' 'Oh my god are they friends?'

I ignored all of the loud ass whispering as I watched him draw on his hand. It seemed to be that he was making his hand look like a robotic hand. I quickly unzipped my bag and pulled out a red and blue pen, setting them next to where Y/n had his hand sitting on the table. He looked at me confused as I rested my head back on hands.

"Make the wires red and blue... they will add a bit of color and make it seem as though it truly is your hand." 

"What do you know about art sir Munson?" I smiled and shook my head pulling my jacket of revealing all of the tattoos on my arms. He looked at my arm in amazement, setting down his pen so he could touch a few of them. I felt a rush of chills as his hand touched the bat tattoos on my right arm, but he soon flipped over my arm revealing the small tattoo on my wrist.

"What's this one for?" he said pointing at the small empty heart on my wrist. I opened my mouth to answer but was interrupted by the bell ringing meaning fifth period had officially started. I shut my mouth and looked towards the front of the room. I felt him tap my arm and I just grinned and shook my head. I felt him glaring at me as I continued to ignore him.

"Hello students! My name is Ms. Alexander, and I will be your World History teacher for this semester. Today will simply be a day of getting to know each other. I will be passing around a paper that you must fill out with information about one or more of your classmates." I watched as Ms. Alexander walked around the class pass out the paper as she continued to talk about the assignment. "This is a simple task and should take you no more than 10 minutes. After that we will be discussing the rules and of course expectations that I have for all of you in my class." As soon as she handed out all of the papers and instructed us that it was okay to begin, I turned to Y/n.

"Do you want to-" A girl came over and quickly stopped me mid-sentence.

"Hi Y/n... I was wondering if you wanted to interview each other for the assignment?"

"Sorry, I already have someone I'm interviewing." I saw her face turn a bit upset as she just nodded and walked away.

"Sooo prince, who are you interviewing?

"Well, you of course." He said it with his adorable smile on his face. I'm not one to believe that people could be as beautiful as the Gods, but they truly did make Y/n look as attractive as the demigods I learned about last year.

"So, first question... What is your birthday?"

"June 18th."

"Wait you're a literal child!"

"I am 17 Eddie... I am no child."

"Anyone younger than me is a child."

We continued to go back and forth asking each other the questions from on the paper. Finally, when we got to the last question I froze.

"Something interesting about the person your interviewing... hmmmmm... tell me what your wrist tattoo means good sir."

"There's truly no meaning to it." I spat out as fast as I could. He knew I was lying as he continued to raise his eyebrow. I finally gave in and answered him. "It was a tattoo that I got when I was 16. My belief that I would fill it in when I fell in love." I saw his face light up about to ask more questions. "Look, it was a stupid tattoo, and I truly don't know why I thought to get it."

"Well, I think that's a cute reason to get a tattoo." I looked away from him for a few seconds then back at him. Instantly my eyes fell straight into his green eyes. God I truly don't know how this man is so attractive.

(1446 Words)

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