"It is good to see you again..." a voice calls out.
Bright lights fill the darkened void as the two entities meet.
"It is time to try again..." the lights agree.
"Weaken your enemy with the strongest element of all... fear..."
"Jane Hopper. it is time for your presentation," the teacher announces.
Eleven swallows heavily and grips the edge of her desk. Her cue cards lay in front of her, Mike had helped her write them out and she'd practiced in front of Papa a million times. She can feel tears slowly rising in her eyes. To say she was scared was very much an understatement.
She can't do this... she can't... she's not ready!
Suddenly, a hand reaches out
"You'll do great..." Mike whispers, holding her hand and smiling. "Remember you can do anything."
Mike's gentle eyes give her the surge of confidence she needs, she smiles before standing up and grabbing her cards.
Walking up the aisle of desks seems to take forever, getting further away despite how far she goes. All she can hear is her heart racing, nothing else.
She pauses at the front, next to the teacher's desk and her back to the class. If only she could do her presentation like this... yet there would still be eyes on her. They were burning into her back, and it stung. They were all judging her... the weirdo.
"Whenever you are ready Miss Hopper," the teacher's deep voice says. "But please do face the class when you start."
Inhaling, Jane turns to face her peers. She stares hard at her cards before looking upwards. For a moment her knees buckle, and she stops breathing.
Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Will were there. Dustin gives her a thumbs up while Max and Will nod to let her know she's supported.
"M-My presentation is..." she swallows, all eyes staring at her. While her friends were there to support her there were so many strangers. People who could be mean to her. Make her time in school a living hell
"I-Is about the history of the Oregano Trail..."
There's a snicker in the back at her mispronunciation
El feels her face go red in embarrassment and her mouth hangs open as she struggles to correct herself.
"I...I mean the Oregon trail and the journey of the pioneers..."
Mike nods to her and smiles at her.
"W-When America was just starting out... many settlers headed along what became the Oregon trail..."
Eleven allows the words to spill out of her in the order that she practiced. The longer she speaks, the more comfortable she becomes. Her classmates' eyes are still on her, some with boredom, some with feigned interest, but all she cares about is finishing her presentation and getting a good grade.
"The trail of course was not without its dangers. Disease like typhoon..."
This time someone actually laughs out loud.
Red in the face again, Jane tries to correct herself.
"I...I mean...Typhoon... typhoon..." she stumbles. "T-typhoon."
Why can't she say the right word? She knew it, Papa even helped her with proper pronunciation and yet she kept saying it... like she can't control it.
Several more people begin to laugh as she continues to say the same word over and over.
Eleven's mouth hangs open and she tries to stop but can't. Now she's saying more random words that have nothing to do with her presentation.

Strange as IT Seems
FanfictionWhen Derry is evacuated after an emergency, the Losers Club travels to the quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, where they should be safe. Joined by his cousin Mia, who carries her own personal demons, Bill and his friends begin to adapt to this new smal...