Chapter 40: Clash of Friends

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"Sorry Max," Eleven says over the phone. "But I have tutoring today."

"Okay, when did this start?" Max asks.

"Last week," El replies. "Papa got me a tutor to help me get caught up on schoolwork. We have a deal: if I work hard, I can come to school with you guys after Christmas."

"Honestly, I don't know why you would," the redhead snorts. "High school sucks just as much as middle school."

"Because... I want to be like a normal kid," El reasons.

"But you're better than normal," Max insists.

"We can hang out after if you want, it's only an hour. We could even do a sleepover. Papa is working late meaning we'd have the cabin to do whatever we wanted."

"I'll think about it."

Just then the sound of a revving engine fills the house and Max rolls her eyes. She turns her back away from the entrance to the house, hoping that he'll just ignore her. The door slams open and Billy strides into the house, cigarette dangling from his lips and filling the house with a noxious smell. She barely manages to avoid his gaze as he transitions to the kitchen, puts his cigarette out on the counter, and digs through the fridge to find his dad's beer. Ignoring the spray of foam as he opens it, he chugs the entire can before crushing it in his hands. He gives his stepsister a side glance and then throws the garbage down on the floor.

"Pick that up for me will you Maxine?" he says.

"Do it yourself you slob," she hisses, covering the receiver so Eleven won't hear their fight.

"What did you just say to me?" he snaps, his hands clenching into fists. "Don't you ever... I need to do homework."

"Bullshit, you haven't done homework since kindergarten. Go read your magazines or stick your tongue in a wall socket."

Billy reaches forward to grab her wrist and threaten her, but she's ready for it. She's quicker than him and uses the phone to swat him away. The crack of plastic against the bone gets him to back off. He's staring daggers at her, but Max holds the phone up, ready to use it again.

"Max? What's going on?" Eleven's voice is heard.

"Leave me alone because unlike you I have friends to communicate with."

"Is that Sinclair you're talking to?"

"No, it's Jane Hopper... you know the daughter of the sheriff."

The mention of the law seems to shut Billy's attempt at a fight down and he grabs one more beer, holding it against his sore wrist before storming down towards his bedroom. He flips her off before slamming his door. The sound of heavy metal music then fills the entire house, purposefully done to ruin his stepsister's conversation.

"Max, what happened?" Eleven asks.

"Billy's home," the redhead snarls under her breath. "Sorry about that."

"Why is he a mouth breather?"

Max smirks. "No goddamn clue, maybe they're just born that way. Anyways I will definitely say yes to the sleepover considering how much of an asshole Billy's being."


There's a pause as another voice enters the background of Jane's call.

"I have to go, my tutor's here."

"Okay, well I'll see you later and maybe we can order pizza or something."

"Sure. Bye, Max."

"Bye," she says before hanging up.

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