Chapter 42: Potential

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"Pick anything you want guys," Mia says, as she, Bill, and Georgie step into Scoops Ahoy. In celebration of receiving her first pay from her tutoring job, the eldest of the cousins offered to take them to the mall and buy them ice cream. After convincing her aunt to let her borrow the car, the trio drove up to Starcourt Mall on the far side of Hawkins. Georgie could barely contain his excitement. He practically jumps from the vehicle while it's still in motion. He had yet to step foot in this mall and was so excited to see what was inside. It stood as if it were a castle on a hill, with all the greatest treasures to seek inside.

"C-Calm down Georgie," Bill had said in annoyance. His little brother's energy was the last thing he wanted to deal with... in fact he was going to turn down Mia's offer for ice cream. That changed when Will cancelled their comic book session, which left him beyond disappointed. So he figured he had nothing better to do. The comic book was the only thing that he looked forward to anymore. He barely saw Beverly or Ben anymore, the only two Losers who could tolerate his presence at this point. He did see Richie a lot, riding his bike in the park, but the moment they made eye contact, Trash-Mouth flipped him the bird before bolting away. It was similar for Eddie and Stan. Stan hung out downtown a lot and he avoided any eye contact with Bill if they crossed paths. Eddie was basically a ghost now... hardly ever seen except to the pharmacy to pick up his medication and of course, his mother accompanied him everywhere now. The one-time Bill had seen his hypochondriac former friend, he'd heard Eddie's mother lecture him about how if he wanted to go anywhere in this town, it had to be with someone. What if some stranger (or various other colourful titles for predatory individuals) came and snatched him off the street? What if he got hurt and no one could find him because they didn't know Hawkins very well? It all sounded like it was blown way out of proportion to Bill, Hawkins was not that much bigger than Derry and it took only a weekend for the leader of the Loser's Club to navigate it. He knew it was Eddie's mom's way of controlling her son... maybe even happy that he no longer had that many friends that made him independent and like himself. At least, at the mall, there was less of a chance he'd run into someone he knew and darken his mood further.

"WOW!" Georgie had shouted when he entered the mall. Several people looked over at them and laughed.

It took both teenagers to keep the six-year-old from running off in a random direction.

"Georgie s-stay here," Bill said.

"But Bill look!" he said, pointing at a window display.

"Yeah, I know Squirt," Mia nodded. "It's all really cool, but you need to stay with us It's so easy to get lost in here."

"R-Right, Mom would k-kill us if you got lost."

"We'll see it all Squirt, but you need to hold one of our hands..."

"I don't want to hold your hands," Georgie snapped angrily, crossing his arms. "I'm not a baby."

"S-So don't go running off," Bill says.

"Right," Mia agreed. "You don't need to hold our hands, but you need to stay close. If you get lost, we're not bringing you here again. If you do get separated from Bill or I by accident, we'll always meet here by the bookstore, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed.

"And if you're ever not sure, look for a security guard to help you."

"Can we get ice cream now?" he asked.

"Yes," she said, rolling her eyes.

The walk to the food court took much longer due to Georgie wanting to see everything in the stores. Even the bribe of ice cream did not speed up their pace.

Finally, when they entered the nautical-themed restaurant, Mia and Bill were tired and needed the boost of sugar.

The cheap music in the background, overly bright colours and sea-themed decorations to give a customer the illusion that they are in a harbour or on a ship is seen as tacky and barely phases the teenaged cousins, but for Georgie, it's the most fascinating thing in the world.

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