Prologue: Evacuation
A/N: Here's probably one of the many crossovers of Stranger Things and IT. For a timeline, it's just after Season 3 of ST. The things with the Russians still happened, but no Mindflayer... yet. Also, in this alternate version, Georgie was not killed, and the Losers did not fully defeat It. Additionally, Derry is being evacuated for reasons that will be explained eventually in the story. However, don't expect Georgie or the kids to stay safe for very long in this town.
"Bill hurry up and bring the last of your stuff down," his mother calls from the bottom of the stairs.
"Vroom, Vroom!" is heard throughout the emptying house as Georgie pushes his favourite fire truck through the nearly empty house.
"George Elmer Denbrough, put that back in its box and help me carry these to the car," she says sternly after her youngest nearly knocked her over with his truck.
"Okay Mommy," the sweet little six-year-old says, picking up his vehicle, putting it in the nearest box and grabbing the lightest thing he could carry.
"Bill, come on," his father calls. "Daylight's wasting."
"I-I'm c-coming," Bill sighs in frustration. He packs the rest of his art supplies and his model space shuttle into the last box. He stops to look around at his now empty room. The posters of his favourite movies were rolled up and put away, the books that lined his shelves were packed with the other volumes and his space mobile that once hung from his ceiling was gone. The only things remaining was his desk, which was too big to be moved out and his bed, now void of any covers.
He wanted to go... he really did. He hated Derry like most of his friends did. Nothing felt right, and everyone turned their backs on what was really happening. They had seen it... The Loser's Club had seen IT and what it could do. It nearly killed his little brother and all of them. But apparently, Eddie Kasprak's mother had gone to a higher authority; outside of the small Maine town, claiming how dangerous it was for her to raise her son in this place. Apparently, somebody listened to her rants of insanity because the government had ordered a mandatory evacuation of the town. Whether they might have found what was lurking in the sewers of the town or not was still a mystery to them. The reason given was that high levels of toxins had been found in the water levels and all those within Derry's limits had to leave effectively and immediately to avoid any further contamination.
The families were given several choices as to where to relocate temporarily and fortunately for Bill, all his friends' families had chosen the same place. All except Mike; since he lived on a farm, he technically wasn't in Derry and his grandfather refused to leave their livelihood behind. The friends had said goodbye to him the day before, promising to write to him, plus Mike could tell them if the government really was looking for IT or not
Meanwhile, all of Bill's friends' families had different reasons for choosing the same location. Stanley's father was looking for a town with a synagogue for his family to worship properly. Eddie's mom wanted somewhere clean and with low crime rates, preferably protected by the military. Beverly's new foster family, after her father was arrested for abuse of her, wanted to give her a place far away from all the trauma. Ben, while not happy to be moving again, just wanted to be near Bev. And for Richie, his family just went with the flow of people.
However, the best part was that Henry Bowers' family was moving to another location, allowing The Losers Club to finally be at peace. It was a chance to start anew, maybe ditch the derogatory name of their club.
Despite what they were escaping from, Bill would still miss his home. It's where he'd grown up and was the place he felt the safest, except for the basement. He wondered if there would be a place for him and his friends to ride their bikes around or play baseball, would there be places to go swimming or hike? His mind filled with many of these questions as he watched his dad tie his bike Silver and Georgie's bike with training wheels to the roof of their station wagon. He gathers the rest of his things, shutting the box and heading down the stairs, now devoid of any family pictures or decorations.

Strange as IT Seems
FanfictionWhen Derry is evacuated after an emergency, the Losers Club travels to the quiet town of Hawkins, Indiana, where they should be safe. Joined by his cousin Mia, who carries her own personal demons, Bill and his friends begin to adapt to this new smal...