Chapter 7

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3rd persons P.O.V

"Rayla, come back!" Callum shouted as Rayla was running around the castle for some unknown reason.

"Catch me first Callum!" Rayla shouted back, still running fast away from Callum.

Rayla was running away from Callum, she stole his favourite scarf and doesn't want to give it back and Callum was getting cold so he needs his scarf back but Rayla refuses to give it to him.

"You have more scarfs, I don't, wear another one!" Rayla shouted running to their room.

"But Rayla, that's my favorite one, why don't you wear one of my others?" Callum asked also running to their room.

Callum and Rayla stood at different sides of the bed, Callum trying to get his scarf back and Rayla keeping it away from him.

"Because it's your favorite and it smells like you, more than the others," Rayla said.

"But Raylaaaaa!" Callum whined. "No buts Callum I'm wearing it now," Rayla said laughing.

"You know what Rayla, fine, you can have it under one condition?" Callum said.

"Yes Callum?" Rayla asked.

"You must do the famous jerk face dance," Callum answered.

"Fine, you can have you scarf back, I'm not doing that jerk face dance," Rayla said, sighing in defeat.

*Knocking sounds*

"Come in," Callum said, taking his scarf back from Rayla. The door opens and Opeli steps in. "Prince Callum, Lady Rayla, King Ezran requests your presents."

"Coming," Rayla answered, reaching in Callum's drawer and getting a scarf. "This one doesn't even smell like you, Callum," Rayla whined, putting the scarf on. Opeli left the room laughing with Callum and Rayla following behind holding hands.

*In the throne room*

"Come in!" Ezran said as he heard someone knock on the door.

"You wanted to se us Ez?" Callum asked.

"Yes I do, Callum," Ezran started.
"I have something to ask you guys seprate, first Callum, then you Rayla," Ezran finished.

"Okay," Callum and Rayla said.

"Callum," Ezran said gesturing for Callum to follow.

Ezran and Callum walked out of the throne room and started walking down the hall.

"Callum, do you remember that talk about sandwiches we had?" Ezran asked Callum making him a bit uncomfortable. "Y-yeah," Callum stuttered. "Well, um, I have something to tell you, me and Ellis, um, we," Ezran started blushing and whispered the last part in Callum's ear.

"You WHAT!!" Callum shouted unsure of what he actually heard. "Am I hearing that right?" Callum asked. "Yes, you are," Ezran said. "To be honest, I didn't think you were gonna say that," Callum said.

"Oh look I suddenly lost the courage to tell Rayla," Ezran chuckled. "Can you maybe-" "Yes I'll tell her, don't worry," Callum finished.

And then they both went back to the throne room.

*Mean while back at the throne room with Rayla*

"Hey Rayla!" Someone said behind Rayla, she turned around to face Ellis.

"Hi Ellis, how are you doing and the little one?" Rayla said.

"We're doing great thanks, and you guys?" Ellis answered.

"Also great thank you," Rayla said. "So Ellis when are you gonna tell Ezran?"

"I don't know yet, where is Ezran anyways?" Ellis asks.

"He left with Callum. He needed to tell him something, I'm sure they'll be back anytime now." Rayla said.

After their conversation Callum, Ezran and some gaurds came running in the throne room.

"What's wrong?" Ellis asked concerned.

"Someone think they saw Viren!" Callum said.

"What! That's not possible! He's dead!" Rayla yelled.

"I know, but someone saw him!" Ezran said.

"Who?" Rayla asked.

"We don't know who he was but he's dead, after he shouted Viren, he burst out in flames and after seconds he was just ash," Callum said.

"Wow, okay, thats kinda creepy. At least we don't need anything to proof Viren is alive, I think," Ellis said.

"King Ezran, there's someone at the gate who wishes to speak with you," Corvus said.

"I'm coming! Callum are you and Rayla coming to? Ellis you stay here," Ezran said.

"I'm coming, but Rayla your staying here with Ellis," Callum said sternly.

"What? No fair!!" Rayla and Ellis said in unison.

"It's not supposed to be fair," Callum said, leaving with Ezran and some guards.

"Callum, Ezran!!" Rayla and Ellis shouted.

"What now?" Ellis asked.

"We can still hear them but not do anything, I'm an assassin, remember," Rayla said starting to walk away and Ellis followed.

Rayla and Ellis stood behind a house listening to what was being said.

"Ah, King Ezran I thought you weren't coming," Viren said while chuckling with a evil smirk on his face. "I have a proposal for you and Prince Callum, surrender now, give me your Kingdom then come with me and be my prisoners!" Viren demanded.

"NEVER!!" Ezran shouted.

"Fine if your not going to do that, then surrender, give me your Kingdom and if you or Prince Callum have a child give me that child," Viren said.

"Are you crazy! We will never do such thing!" Callum shouted.

"Fine I'll just take those things and one of yours kid," Viren said slightly annoyed.

"Nope still not," Ezran said. "Listen Viren, no matter what you offer nothing is gonna work!!"

"Or is it," Viren said disappearing in thin air and while saying with a chuckle, "oh, and Callum, Ezran, congratulations on going to be fathers."

And just like that it was silent. Everyone was still not wanting to move, afraid of what could happen, Ezran just stood there confused on what Viren meant by that. Then it hit him. He was now excited, almost forgetting what had just happened, Everyone was confused except Callum, he knew what had happened and why, he was so happy because not to long ago he experienced the exact same feeling.

After a couple of minutes everyone started walking back and by then Rayla and Ellis saw the whole thing that happened and they were back at the throne room acting like they were there the whole time.

Ellis and Rayla also knew why Ezran was so happy, so Ellis didn't worry as much as she did before.

Ezran and Callum came into the room Ezran ran to Ellis and gave her a big hug, he then asked if she was pregnant and she said yes, they all started talking about what happened. Ellis and Rayla acted like nothing happened so the boys wouldn't get suspicious but they were still mad at Viren.

They talked to the high Council and the Generals, they called General Amaya, General Janya, and some other Generals, Rayla called her parents, Runaan and Ethari and also Ezran called for a Summit at the Pentarchy so they could discuss of a way to protect their Kingdom in case Viren also threatens them.

Hello everyone, if you liked please comment, vote and follow. Elf out ✌️

Edited: 1/13/2023
Word count: 1145

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