Chapter 14

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Rayla's P.O.V

5 years later

"Rayla!" What was that? "Rayla, where are you?" Someone was calling my name. "There you are! You ready to tell Ezran and Ellis?"  It was Callum, what is he talking about? And what is this place, I was in a room it kinda looks like the room I have in the castle. "Rayla are you okay?" He asked, putting his hands on my waist. "I... yeah I'm okay. What we're you saying?" I asked. "I was asking if your ready to tell Ezran and Ellis the thing?" He asked again. "Yeah, I'm coming." I replied, I still need to figure out where I am. "Great let's go," he said smiling.

So Callum is here, looking older in a good way of course, and he is talking about telling Ezran and Ellis the thing I have no idea what he is talking about, and we are in the castle, got that. "Hey you sure you're okay?" He asked, "yeah I'm fine," I smiled at him. We walked to the court yard and saw a few figures sitting, we walked closer and saw it was Ezran, Ellis, two kids and a baby.

"Rayla you made it, for a second I thought you weren't coming," Ezran said. "So what did you guys want to tell us?" Callum looked at Ezran than back to me, "you want to tell them or can I?" Callum asked me. "You can tell them," I said, I don't know what he's talking about. "Rayla and I are gonna have another baby!" Callum exclaimed. "Rayla are you okay? Rayla!"

5 years later

Where am I now? It's so dark in here. Wait I see something. "Mom! Rayen is being mean to me!" "I am not!" Two kids shout. "Kids leave your mother alone, she's not felling well remember?" Callum said. "Yes dad, sorry mom," the kids say at the same time. "It's okay Sarai and Rayen you can go play outside now," Callum said. "Thank dad!" They shout and run outside.

"Hey Rayla how are you feeling?" Callum ask. "Um, much better thank you," I said.
I have no idea whats going on but I need to get back no my Callum.

5 years later

"Hey mom?" Sarai asked. "Yes sweetheart?" I said. "I was wonder if I can go hang out with Jason today, you know uncle Soren's son?" She asked shyly. "I know who Jason is Sarai and yes you can but keep it PG please?" I joked. Sarai flushed and shouted "MOM! It's not like that! We're just friends!" I laughed and said, "sure that's what I said when I was friends with your dad." Was about to walk away when I stopped her, "Sarai?" She turned around to face me. "I love you and have a great time," I smiled at her. She smiled back and said, "I love you too mom." This feels so right and wrong at the same time.

Wake up! Come on wake up already! I miss Callum, and Ezran, and even Soren, let me het back to them please!

Next thing I know is my eyes are opening and I'm blinded by white light, after my eyes adjust I see Callum sitting on a stool next to the bed I'm laying in, he's holding my hand and his head is resting on his one arm, he looks so peaceful.

I stare at him unable to move and then someone walks in the room and sees my eyes are open they gasp and shook Callum awake, Callum startels awake and also gasp when he saw me awake, his mouth is moving but I can't hear what he's saying, he stood up and hugs me, after he pulls away he stares me in the eyes his mouth is still moving but I still can't hear him.

Next thing I feel is being really tired my eyes are struggling to stay open then it all went black... again.

Hello everyone first update so far, I feel like it's not much but I really worked hard on this chapter and hope everyone enjoys, I'll see everyone next time hopefully for a longer and better chapter 😅 Thanks for ready and sticking with me so long 💙

Word count: 711
Date published:

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