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I was on my way to me and Lix's room. My heart had been pounding the whole day after what Jeongin said. It's like he was playing around with me. He could've just told everyone right away, but he'd rather have me embarrass myself. Almost like he was purposely trying to humiliate me for his own joy.

I couldn't take any chances with Jeongin telling them. I had to figure out a natural and easy way for me to say it myself. Felix was my only hope in getting help. Maybe he had an idea for what I could say.
I opened the door, and saw Felix sitting on the bed. It hurt me how happy and unbothered he looked. I remember this morning before we left eachother. He was looking forward to seeing me later.

He looked at me all excited. Like a puppy seeing it's owner after a long day.

I forced a smile on my face, and hopped beside him on the bed, holding my arm around him.

"Hi" I said

"Hello" he replied

A soft pink blush layered over his cheeks. I loved how he still blushed over these simple things. Even tho you'd think we were super comfortable with eachother, it was still a first time for me. Open and confessed love.

"How are you?" I asked him

"I'm great" he said happily

I knew his heart would break if I told him what was going on, but I had to. I couldn't deal with this myself. He was part of it too.

"I need to tell you something" I said, carefully hinting him that it was serious.

He looked up at me.

"What's up?"

I cleared my throat. I struggled finding the right words to say.

"You know earlier today, when you went and told Kai about us" I asked him

"Yeah" he smiled embarrassed -"did you notice?"

"I didn't" I replied

Felix looked confused.

-"but Jeongin did" I added

His eyes widened.

"What?" He said unsure

"He heard everything" I paused. -"he knows about us"

Felix's eyes lost all light when he understood what had happened. He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

I nodded in silence.

"Really?" He muttered

His eyes were getting wet as he spoke. This was what I was worried for. Him feeling guilty. -like it was his fault.

"It's ok" I said

"What happened?" He asked me.

"He told me he heard what you guys said, and I wasn't able to disprove him." I explained -"He confronted me, and told me I had to tell the guys myself, or.." I paused "he'd do it for me"

Felix had an empty look on his face.

"I'm so sorry" he apologized.

"It's not your fault, I know you wouldn't wish for this to happen" I comforted him

"What are we gonna do?" He asked me desperately.

I sighed.

"I need to tell them myself"

Me and Lix ended up talking and discussing for a long time. We figured it'd be best not telling them tomorrow, but the day after.
Our plan was to do it together. We'd ask them tomorrow afternoon if they'd be up for meeting us the day after, and we would tell it as it was.

Me and Lix weren't together. We weren't officially boyfriends or anything. But we definitely had a thing for eachother. There was no denying that.

Felix was stressed for me. He didn't want me to loose any friends because of this, but I told him it would be fine. If they didn't accept it, I'd stay with Lix for the rest of the camp. Maybe I'd be friends with Kai too. I told him that it wasn't a big deal.

"I can't believe you're doing this" Felix said, cuddling up closer to me.

We had just went to bed together.

"I can't believe you're doing this" I said

"Why? This isn't scary for me" He replied

"You're up for meeting the guys that have hated on you for so long" I explained

"It's ok. They don't scare me anymore" He said

I stroked my hands through his hair. It felt very soft. He didn't wear a hoodie tonight, cause he didn't want to boil himself again. He wore a white t-shirt instead.

"You're so cute" I complimented him

"You too" he responded

"This has been an exhausting day" I said

He hummed in response.

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