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It had been a few hours since Sapnap and George had escaped. They had set up camp in an abandoned gas station, waiting for Dream. It was starting to get dark. Only the light of their fire shine through the night. The crackling was the only sound.

"Do you think he made it out?" George asked quietly.

Sapnap nodded, "yeah, I'm sure."

George fell silent. Dream had been in the middle of the horde. Surrounded by zombies. How could anyone survive that?

A branch snapped a short ways away from their camp, just out of light of the fire. Sapnap jumped up, readying his shotgun. But no zombie came out. Instead, a torn, like green hoodie came into the light. It was covered in mud and blood, much like the person wearing it.

"Dream!" George shouted, running to his friend.

Dream collapsed into his arms, "hey George..."

"You're alive!" George cried, holding Dream tightly.

Dream gripped his arm, "yeah, I'm alive."

Sapnap ran up to them, "are you okay?"

Dream nodded, "I just need to rest- I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" George asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Yeah." Dream gave him a small smile, "those zombies really tired me out."

"At least let us check out your injuries." Sapnap insistent, leading Dream over to the fire.

Dreams grip on his arm tightened, "no, I'm fine, really."

"Dream, we don't believe that for a second." George told him.

"Look, I-I'm fine! Okay!" Dream said, stepping away from his friends, "I just need to sleep and I'll be better in the morning. Then we can move on."

Sapnap sighed, "he might have a point..."

"What!?" George yelled.

"It's night okay!?" Sapnap said, "it'll be a lot easier to see his injuries in the daylight."

George paused, but sighed, "I hate it when you're right."

"Okay, now that that's settled, can we go to sleep?" Dream asked.

"Yeah, go get some rest." Sapnap nodded.

Dream nodded back, going to lay down next to the fire. He closed his eyes. Would he be able to fall asleep now? Now that he was bitten. Well it didn't really matter. As soon as Sapnap and George were asleep, he was leaving. Dream wasn't going to risk their lives. He wasn't going to risk turning them into zombies.

Time crept by slowly. Dream waited for there to be complete silence. He carefully opened his eyes. Sure enough, Sapnap and George were fast asleep. Dream got to his feet, careful not to step on anything. He wobbled slightly, creeping out of the camp.

Where Dream was going, he didn't know. All he knew was that he had to get as far away from Sapnap and George as he could. So he kept walking. He walked until he heard the ocean in the distance. Dreams smiled lightly. It wouldn't be so bad to die on a beach.

But it was no beach he found. Instead a cliff took a sharp dive into the roiling sea. Dream sighed. It was no beach, but close enough.


The blonde turned to see George standing a few paced behind him. His eyes were wide under the moonlight, his voice almost drowned out by the waves.

"What are you doing here?" George asked.

Dream shrugged, "midnight stroll?"

"Dream, what's going on?" George took a cautious step forward.

Dream sighed, "I didn't want you to- just leave me alone!"

"No!" George said, taking another step, "Dream what on earth is going on!?"

"Just go! Go back to Sapnap!" Dream yelled, "it's not safe for you!"

"What isn't safe for me!?" George asked.

"I'm not safe for you!" Dream screamed, shutting his eyes tightly.

It was quiet now. Dream felt someone grab his hand. The same hand that he got bit on.

"Oh Dream..." George whispered.

"I don't want to hurt you." Dream sobbed quietly.

"You're not going to hurt us." George told him, "we'll find a cure, it's been six years since the virus started, someone has to have made something by now."

"George, I only have a few days until I fully turn," Dream cried, "that's not enough time!"

"We'll make it work!" George yelled, "please Dream, we're not giving up on you."

Dream shook his head, resting it on George's shoulder, "just promise me. Promise me that if I start turning, you'll kill me."

"Dream I-" George started.

"Promise me!" Dream said, "please?"

George sighed softly and nodded, "I promise..."

"Thank you." Dream whispered.

Bitten Again {Dream Team Zombie Apocalypse AU}Where stories live. Discover now