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Sapnap's eyes widened as he saw the bite on Dream's arm, "you got bitten..."

Dream nodded silently. He was scared, terrified, of turning his friends. He was terrified of turning himself.

"We're going to fix this." Sapnap said, holding his hand a little tighter, "we're not going to let you..."

"Turn into an undead zombie?" Dream laughed lightly, "we only have a window of three days max before I really start turning. Before it's irreversible."

"Dream, we're not going to let you turn, I promise." George hugged the blonde tightly.

Dream let out a small sob, "I'm scared... I don't want to hurt you guys..."

"You're not going to." Sapnap joined the hug, "we're going to fix this."

Dream nodded, "okay."

The trio broke away after a moment. They weren't giving up on their friend. There had to be a way to save Dream.

"Come on, our first step should be finding some medical supplies." George said.

Dream nodded, "yeah. We shouldn't be too far from a town. We might be able to find some supplies there?"

"Then let's hurry!" Sapnap told them, "we don't exactly have all day!"

"Alright alright!" George laughed lightly, "stop yelling, you'll alert the zombies."

Sapnap slung his shotgun over his shoulder, "then let's move to where there aren't zombies! Problem solved!"

"Shut up Sapnap." Dream smiled, following his friends as they walked.

The blonde gripped his arm. He could feel it spreading, like thick oil through his veins. There just wasn't enough time. By the end of the day it would take over his arm. By tomorrow he would almost fully turn. Then the next day... It would be too late.

George slipped his hand into Dream's, "don't worry, we're going to fix this."

Dream just nodded. He wished there was a way to cut the virus off at the start. Dream paused. Cut it off?

"Dream? You okay?" Sapnap asked.

"Y-yeah!" Dream smiled, "I think I figured out a solution!"

"Really? What?" George asked.

"Just cut my arm off!" Dream said.

Sapnap and George paused, glancing at each other.

"Dude, what?" Sapnap shook his head.

"Cut it off at the source!" Dream explained, "I can't be infected if the infection is cut off!"

George sighed, rubbing his head, "I hate that you're right..."

"So we're just going to chop off your arm!?" Sapnap yelled, "how are we going to do that!"

Dream shrugged, "I dunno. Find an axe, some clean bandages... Then just-"

The blonde made a swinging motion with his arms.

"This is stupid, we're not medical professionals!" George sighed, "if we mess it up, you could die!"

"I'm dying anyway George." Dream looked to his friend, "at least this way I have a chance."

George fell silent, looking away. Dream pulled him into a hug. They stayed like that for a moment.

"Come on. We can't wait much longer." Dream told him.

George held him a little tighter, "I know."

Sapnap walked up to join the hug, "Hey, we're not going to lose Dream. He's gonna continue being a thorn in our side for a while."

"Hey!" Dream laughed, giving him a small shove.

George managed a small smile, "yeah."

Bitten Again {Dream Team Zombie Apocalypse AU}Where stories live. Discover now