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"How are you doing?" George asked, falling in step with Dream.

The blonde shrugged, "I'm okay... We're going to get this fixed after all."

George glanced at Dream's arm and took a deep breath, "yeah."

"Hey, it'll be fine." Dream smiled, nudging George's arm.

"Dream you're going to lose your arm." George sighed.

"And I'll be fine." Dream told him.

A loud screech drew their attention. Sapnap had dragged open the doors to a hospital they found. It had been the first place cleared of humans, most being turned into zombies. Dream gulped. This was it.

"You ready?" Sapnap asked, looking up at the blonde.

Dream nodded, "yeah."

The trio walked through the doors of the decrepit hospital. It was eerie. The halls were quiet and empty. It seemed as though they were being watched. Living in the land of the dead.

"Hey." Sapnap whispered, nodding to an operating room sign, "that might be what we're looking for."

Dream took a deep breath. He gripped his arm tightly.

"Then let's get this over with." Dream smiled lightly.

They walked into the hallway lined with rooms. George ran a hand over the dried up sinks before they entered the actual operating room. How many lives were saved here? How many lives were lost?

"I really fucking hate this..." Sapnap grimaced as he picked up a bone saw.

George frowned, searching for a suture kit, "just don't mess it up."

"Oh come on." Dream gave his friends a cocky smile, "how hard can it be to cut an arm off?"

"Dude shut up." Sapnap said, unable to keep the small smile off his face.

Dream layed back on the table. It was uncomfortable, but he wouldn't be there long. So he hoped.

"So are we cutting through your hoodie or what?" Sapnap waved the bone saw as he spoke.

Dream laughed, shrugging the lime green hoodie off. He was just wearing a plain tee-shirt underneath. Better for the hot Florida summers of the apocalypse.

George walked into the room, "we need a tourniquet."

"The hell is a tourniquet?" Sapnap asked.

"I think it's like a big game, sometimes with teams-" Dream started.

George cut him off, "It stops the blood flow you idiot."

"I was just messing with you!" Dream laughed, "I swear I know what a tourniquet is."

George smiled lightly, "you're such an idiot."

"So..." Sapnap fiddled with the saw, "are you ready?"

Dream sighed, swallowing down the bubbling cauldron of nerves, "yeah."

George started placing the tourniquet around Dream's upper arm. He tightened it, ignoring the buzzing intrusive thoughts about how this could all go horribly wrong. The brunette took a deep breath. It will be fine.

"Is there uh..." Dream gulped, "is there like a rag or something I could bite down on?"

"I'll find one." George said, quickly walking away.

Sapnap let out a small laugh, "I wish there was something we could do for the pain... It's going to suck."

"I know." Dream gave his friend a small smile, "but I don't trust anything in this hospital to knock me out."

"Dude, it's probably all expired anyway." Sapnap said, "it might kill you faster than the virus."

"Exactly." Dream laughed lightly.

George came back in. He held a light blue cloth that looked fairly clean.

"This was the only thing I found." George told them.

"That'll work." Dream said, taking the cloth.

The blonde but the cloth between his teeth, nodding to Sapnap. The man's grip tightened on the saw. He hovered it over the spot where they- he- was going to cut. Sapnap took a deep breath and pressed down.

Dreams breath hitched. It hurt like hell, and they barely started. Sapnap continued deeper, holding down Dream's arm. The blonde started whimpering. George, who was standing by Dream's head, grabbed his other hand. He winced at the strong grip.

Dream was breathing heavily, pained noises coming out with every breath. But he didn't truly scream until Sapnap hit the bone. Dreams back arched. He screamed until his voice broke. Tears flooded from his eyes.

George and Sapnap had to hold him down. Sapnap tried to work quickly to ease his friends pain. But the blood on his hands was making everything slippery, some drying on his sleeves and dripping onto the floor.

Eventually, Sapnap made it through the bone. Dream stopped screaming. His chest heaved with every painful breath, but he was still alive.

Sapnap finally cut through the last layer of skin and dropped the saw. George quickly took over, opening the suture kit and started to sew up dreams arm.

"Oh fuck..." Sapnap mumbled to himself, staring at his hands, "oh fuck I actually... I-... His arm..."

"Dream?" George asked as he finished tying off the thread, "Dream are you still with us?"

Slowly, Dream's hand reached to take the cloth out of his mouth.

"I'm here..."

His voice was hoarse and tired, but gods damn it, in that moment it was the most beautiful thing George and Sapnap had ever heard. George laughed, pulling dream into a tight hug. Sapnap started laughing, sliding down the wall as his legs gave out. Dream managed a small smile. They were going to survive this.

Bitten Again {Dream Team Zombie Apocalypse AU}Where stories live. Discover now