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T.W.: major character death

"George..." Dream whispered, weakling reaching out for the brunette, "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" George asked, taking Dream's hand.

Dream swallowed lightly, "for getting bitten... This stupid ideas... Just... Everything..."

"Dream you-" George sighed, "you're just delirious from the fever. Once you get better everything will be okay."

Dream closed his eyes, "I'm not getting better George."

"Don't say that." George whispered.


"Please..." George said.

Dream sighed, "I'm tired."

"Okay." George nodded, "I'll let you get some rest."

The brunette stood up, walking out of the room. Sapnap was laying on one of the gurneys out in the hall. He looked up as George walked out.

"How is he?" Sapnap asked.

"Not good." George sighed, "he's sleeping right now."

Sapnap was silent for a moment, "do you think he's gonna make it?"

"If the fever breaks." George said quietly.

Sapnap nodded and sat up. He grabbed his shotgun, slinging it over his shoulder.

"I'm going to scout the perimeter." He said, "come get me when he wakes up."

George nodded, "alright."

Sapnap walked out. They had pretty much fortified the hospital in the week they'd been there. Sapnap settled into the familiar path he'd set for himself, checking for any zombies that might have slipped through.

He frowned to himself. It was his fault Dream got bitten. If he had just gotten out quicker- his hand closed around two rings around his neck. He couldn't leave them again.


Sapnap looked up to see George standing behind him with tears in his eyes and a book in his hands. His eyes widened.

"What happened?" Sapnap asked quietly.

George shook his head, "he's gone..."

"What?" Sapnap's shotgun dropped from his hands.

George held up the book, "all he had was this."

Sapnap took the book with shaking hands. It was a thin notebook, but it felt so heavy in his hand.

"Have you read it yet?" Sapnap asked quietly.

George shook his head, "no..."

Sapnap sat down heavily. George sat next to him, not saying a word. They stared at the book for a while. Sapnap opened it.

Hey, I guess if you're reading this then I'm dead...

Ha, it's kinda weird to think about. But uh Sapnap, George, if you're reading this then I just want you to know that I wouldn't have survived the past 6 years without you. You've been my best friends since the beginning. And I'm sorry that this is how I go out...

I already miss you guys... Don't die too soon. I'll wait for you.

Love you, Dream

Bitten Again {Dream Team Zombie Apocalypse AU}Where stories live. Discover now