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Sapnap placed the flowers on the gravesite. Yellow roses. George gripped tightly onto the small bundle of lillies of the valley. It had been a year since Dream died. In that year they had gotten in contact with another group who developed a cure for the virus. They both bitterly thought it was a year too late.

But even after all of that, they were glad to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The final stretch of the apocalypse.

"It's a bit upsetting that we have to leave." George said quietly.

Sapnap nodded, "yeah... I wish we could take him with us."

George snorted softly, "what? Like dig him up?"

"No!" Sapnap laughed, "I mean I wish he was still here to come across the country with us."

George's smile slipped slightly, "yeah."

Sapnap sighed and stood up. He stared out at the horizon, the sound of the sea washing up on shore was the only sound. The ocean breeze blew through their hair.

George set the lilly on the grave, "we should probably get going. All the other groups have a head start on us."

"Yeah." Sapnap let out a breath, "but I think they'll understand why we waited."

"Anniversary of your best friends death." George laughed bitterly.

"Alright." Sapnap looked to his friend, "you ready to go?"

George gave him a small smile, "yeah."

The two piled in the small salvaged car, preparing to drive across the country to end the apocalypse once and for all.

Bitten Again {Dream Team Zombie Apocalypse AU}Where stories live. Discover now