Chapter 2: Storm

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The day dipped into the evening and it felt like the entire ship came alive. Natalia supposed it was due to the fact that the sun was down and it wasn't as scorching hot.

Children and lovely couples lounged on the deck or below in the dining or games area. There was always something fun to do in the evening, whether it was to have a nice meal with friends or play cards.

Her favourite pastime, other than reading, was playing cards. Her parents scolded her every time she did since it was such a manly thing to do, but she kept doing it. She made a pretty penny out of it here and then, and it was always nice to out-win the cocky men who thought Lady Luck was their old friend.

Tonight, she decided to spend her time on the uppermost floor, however, and just gaze at the stars. They were so beautiful and every night, she never got tired of them.

She wished Evelyn was here. She missed her soft hands in hers, the way she hugged her from behind, and so many more things.

Before Natalia had a chance to fully enjoy herself, she felt slow raindrops on her head. It wasn't long before it started to rain heavily, and she could hear shrill screams of women below, not wanting to get their hair and clothes wet.

Even if she was more of a tomboy, the rate at which the rain fell wasn't pleasant and she hastily returned to her room.

Her mother saw her drenched in the hallway and had a fit.

"Natalia Devonshire, what's the meaning of this?!" Her mother shrieked.

"Sorry mother, I was up on the top floor and it started raining heavily so I - ."

"Well! I've never seen such behaviour! There you go again, embarrassing us. Return to your room at once and change, you'll catch a cold."


Natalia rolled her eyes. Good riddance. She was happy to be in her room anyways.

As she made her way back, Natalia stripped herself of her wet clothes and got into another dress. This wasn't as neatly pressed or anything but she honestly didn't care.

She didn't feel like going back to her parents so she quietly took out Evelyn's book.

When she read it, her soul and body felt like it was on fire. The women in the story were like her. The same emotions and desires.

A slow tear came down her left cheek before she closed the book.

She couldn't read anymore without thinking of Evelyn and crying.

She just wanted a woman to love her and never have to marry a man or be in their debt.

With that, she heard a loud crackle of lightning outside the window. The sky was pitch black, with the clouds lighting up with every yellow lightning streak.

The ship began to shake and steer off course a bit. Her anxiety spiked. Natalia had to get her family in their rooms.

Natalia rushed out of her room and made her way to the deck to see where her parents were.

Being the brave heart she was, she didn't take an umbrella nor bothered to take a wrap. Again.

Turns out everyone was in the dining area.

Natalia saw her family dining as if nothing was happening around them, with another random family.

The lightning became more frequent, making her hair on her arms stand. The thunder boomed, like an angry god wanting vengeance.

"Mother, Father, we have to go back to the rooms. It's not safe up here!"

Her family was chatting nonchalantly with the others at the table. It was a mother and a father with two sons and a daughter.

Her own brother seemed to be getting quite acquainted with the daughter and the elder son seemed to be inspecting Natalia with amused eyes.

"My dear, it's perfectly safe. Just a bit of rain." The elder son pipped in as he took a long swing of wine.

She looked at all of them. Natalia was flabbergasted knowing that they were doing nothing as a literal storm was enveloping them.

"Just a bit of rain?! It's literally about to pour buckets and the waves are getting worse. We're heading into the eye of a storm!"

"Well, even if we are darling, I'm sure the Captain has it under control. We'll be fine - come have some dinner and a bit of wine." Her mother quipped as she took another sip of hers. Natalia felt like she was talking to a wall - no one was listening.

"No sorry, Mother, I'm not staying." And without another look, she hurried out of the dining hall, hearing the pleasant laughter of families and phonographs as she made her way into the chaos and darkness outside.

The footman at the door tried to stop her but Natalia shoved past him.

The wind and rain poured heavily on her as she opened the door. There was water piling up on deck and the waves were dangerously high around them. She could hear the crew members and staff trying to get everyone inside the halls and behind closed doors.

Her entire dress was soaked again, with her hair down - all matted against her face as she squinted to make her way to safety.

The stairways leading the rooms were now blocked with the amount of rainwater the ship had collected. It was well above her knees. She had to find another room elsewhere.

Natalia went past and squeezed her way through the crates piled up on the sides. It seemed like the fastest way to get to the other side.

She could hear the Captain announcing on the megaphone that everyone needed to go inside as this storm was going to last a few hours on end. She could hear little children starting to scream as well.

Before Natalia had the strength to find safety, the ship took a nasty hit from the left side, throwing her off her feet. The wave had enveloped.

She tried to scream but her eyes stung and couldn't breathe under the cold water. She didn't know how to swim and no one could see her.

Her body crashed down from the ship into the ice cold abyss below and reality hit her. She was going to die in the middle of the ocean. Natalia's lungs filled with water and her heart raced. Her brain was trying to think of a way to survive but there was none.

And with that, her body became numb and cold as she drifted below. 


Author's Note: I'm finally getting over writer's block and continuing the story! I have great ideas for the story and I hope you enjoy the adventures that Natalia will experience. 

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