Chapter 5: Evening Feast

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For the first time in her life, Natalia felt like she actually had a comforting and restful sleep. Maybe it was the wine that she drank early, or the fact that she had almost died and washed up on shore, or because of the luxurious bedroom she slumbered in, but she was in utter bliss.

Her bed had silky brown sheets and a white warm blanket that was soft like a kitten's fur. Even though her family was affluent than most of Devonshire's population, this was in no comparison to what she had at home.

Natalia awoke to a woman in a lilac dress, a golden belt and a golden cuff on her arm. Her long hair tickled Natalia's face as the woman shook her gently.

"Miss, it's time to wake up. Dinner is to be served shortly at the pavilion. The Queen has requested that you join us all." The woman smiled. She too had an accent - one that was low toned and ancient. It almost sounded like they were Russians but these women were from a far more ancient civilization era.

"Hmm. Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I didn't realize I slept for that long. What is the time?" Natalia sat up quickly, looking around for a clock but they didn't have one.

"It is an hour before sunset. Feel free to freshen up. I will be waiting for you outside." The woman politely left her to get ready.

Natalia wasn't much of an extravagant girl. Sure, she liked fine dresses but she hated being dolled up for her visitors or for gatherings. However, today felt different. She wanted to look nice for the Queen. Natalia hurriedly got ready, fixed her dress and did her hair. She decidedly to wear it up this time, in a fancy updo that made her look like she was attending a ball.

With her dark hair and startling blue eyes, Natalia looked like an enticing vixen with a flair of innocence that only seemed to add to her allure. Her timidness and youth clearly on display in comparison to these women but she was by no means any less attractive.

She made her way out the door, seeing Joan and the same woman waiting for her.

"We haven't got all day, dinner will be served soon," Joan scowled. Natalia rolled her eyes.

"You didn't have to wait for me then."

"The Queen sent me to escort you to her table. Let us go." Joan turned around and started walking out to the other side of the building, down a flight of stairs that led to an open pavilion.

A couple hundred women were coming and about to sit at the long tables in rows. There were some that looked a bit older, perhaps in their late 30s and early 40s, others in their teenage and young adult years and a few who were little girls. Nonetheless, all of them wore fine Greek clothing. Again, some were in dresses and others in a shorter toga just like she had seen in the Council.

There was laughter and a pleasant chatter in the background, groups of them talking and conversing. The pavilion was adorned with light from fire torches and a large fire separating the table where the Queen sat and the rest of the women. Again, it didn't seem to be a scalding hot fire but provided a warm glow and cozy atmosphere. The pavilion overlooked the sea in the back, with the sunset beautifully decorating the landscapes.

Joan made her way down the stairs quickly, leaving Natalia to catch up. They made their way to the first table. The Queen clearly sat at the large adorned chair, and there were a few chairs at the table on either side of her. Some of the members of the Council sat there already. The chairs to the Queen's right and left were still empty. She assumed Joan was someone who sat next to her.

The Queen got up from her chair when she saw Joan and Natalia coming her way.

"Thank you Joan for escorting our guest. If you could make sure that dinner is prepared and ready to be served, that would be lovely." Natalia had hid behind Joan's tall stature but now she felt exposed after Joan left.

It was like the Queen burned holes through her dress whenever she looked at Natalia.

"My dear, how was your slumber? Are you alright?" The Queen warmly asked and ushered her to sit to her left. The table had already been set with fine cutlery and goblets.

"Yes, my Queen. I thank you kindly for your hospitality. I truly appreciate everything that you've done."

"You are most welcome, my dear. I hope you don't mind joining us for dinner. I will be announcing your presence to the rest of the island and giving a formal welcome." The Queen smiled and waited for Natalia's expression.

There was something about this woman that Natalia couldn't describe. She looked so young and agile, but at the same time so wise and powerful. Her presence radiated a calm sense of confidence and reassurance that everything was going to be fine. She knew she was lucky to even be in the presence of Queen Yesenia, let alone sitting beside her for their meal.

Natalia found herself holding her breath and blushing. She didn't know how to feel at the moment and it didn't help that Queen Yesenia was so painfully gorgeous. She looked like an angel. Natalia just wanted to touch her soft skin and caress her or feel her hair for some reason.

Stop it. Natalia scolded herself.

The Queen looked at her and smirked humbly, knowing exactly the effect she had on the young newcomer. Queen Yesenia had many lovers and admirers, all of whom yearned even the slightest touch of intimacy with her. She only liked women and had children with some of her lovers over the millennia here on the island. Despite her status and long life, she only had three lovers. Of course, there were women who warmed her bed from time to time but not many had truly captured her heart.

It was Aphrodite's gift to the Amazonians that any child born would be a woman, and that some of the women on the island had the ability to inseminate other women. Those who had requested grew male reproductive parts while keeping their female figure at the end of the war so there was no need for men on their island for them to grow as a society.

In terms of coupling, many of the women had relationships with each other and had families. There was no prejudice however as to who wished to love whom - all partnerships were considered equal despite any differences or similarities in reproductive parts.

When a child is born, a celebration occurs. When they reach 16 summers, they have the choice to drink from the fountain of Poseidon that held youth and immortality. Some of the women decided to drink from it later. The original Amazonians who had been there since the beginning didn't have to drink the water - they were granted immortality as founders.

It was not long before everyone on the island settled in and the sun had fully set. There were many curious and intrigued eyes on Natalia, wondering who this lost maiden was.

Queen Yesenia stood and the gleeful chatter died down.

Good evening to you all and I welcome you to our evening feast. As many of you already know, we have a newcomer on the island. This is Natalia, a woman from England. She was caught in a terrible storm on a ship and ended up on our island.

While it is the gods who only know the purpose of her arriving here to us, she is a lovely darling. I encourage you all to make her feel welcome on the island.

Queen Yesenia addressed the crowd in their ancient language. Natalia stood patiently until she finished, to hear a loud roar of applause.

"Welcome to our home, Natalia." 

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