Chapter 6: Pondering Thoughts of Desire

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When the festivities and feast of the night simmered to an end, the women of the island dispersed away to their parts of the island. 

Each of the Ladies of the Council had their own Parthenon, where the women who specialized in that area resided. They were not small buildings but grandiose, carefully crafted architectural wonders that symbolized their domains.

Each Parthenon had its own entrance, region on the island, garden, amphitheater and gathering area to converse or to train. Most of the time, the women stayed in their domains during the day unless they were needed in another domain or were just visiting. Any of the women could go in and out as they pleased but they respected each other's areas and carried themselves as invited guests when visiting another Parthenon.

Queen Yesenia and everyone at the Queen's table remained as the others were dismissed. One by one, they bowed and bid farewell and a good night to their Majesty. Joan and Natalia remained.

"So my dear, what did you think about the gathering? I hope our food was to your liking." The Queen stood and addressed Natalia in an informal manner. Despite her status, she was kind and caring. Her aura was powerful and regal but very much humane and protective of her subjects.

"Oh yes, my Lady - it was delectable!" Natalia was surprised the Queen even asked her this question. The meal was by far the best food she had in her life. Either it was because it was grown on the island or her home country didn't know how to flavour their food she figured.

"Glad to hear that." The Queen turned her attention towards her loyal guard. "Joan, that is all for today, you are free to head back to your quarters. You need not stay and wait for me, I shall make my way just fine."

"But my Lady, this -."

"Nonsense. It is alright." The Queen waved her hand and chuckled. She was grateful for Joan but she was rather too protective and unnecessarily hostile to Natalia. Joan bowed in respect without further argument, and made her leave.

As Joan walked away, Natalia suddenly felt conscious. She could feel the Queen's striking grey eyes on her and it made her blush and fidget with her dress. Natalia could never tell what the Queen was thinking but she knew if that she looked at them longer, she'd get lost in them and never find her way back.

"Come my dear, I will show you where you will be staying."

The two made their way back to the hall where Joan had gladly dragged her this morning but they made their way up the stairs to the uppermost floor. As if there weren't enough stairs leading up to the grand Parthenon, there had to be more inside, Natalia thought to herself. Natalia's legs felt like they were on fire by the time they reached the top as she tried desperately not to sound out of breath. The Queen wasn't even breaking a sweat nor phased.

Why this came as a surprise to Natalia, she didn't know but she was learning very quickly that these women were not weak in any sense.

They made their way to one of the rooms and the Queen opened the door. It was not as lavish as the bedroom that Natalia was in earlier this morning but it was just as comfortable and nicely decorated. Natalia could smell the exotic scent in here as well and it made her want to melt on the soft furs and she felt unexpectedly hot in her core.

"You needn't worry about waking at a certain time tomorrow. You have endured a treacherous battle against Lord Poseidon and his domain. There are clothes in the wardrobe over there and you may use anything that is in this room. It will be yours for the time being." The Queen said warmly as Natalia looked around.

"You are too kind, my Lady. I really don't deserve this..." Natalia flushed again as she spoke in her proper but alluring English accent.

"Have a good night, Natalia. Sleep well." The Queen smiled and exited her room, leaving Natalia alone to her racing thoughts that tried to process everything that happened today and everything that was going to happen to her on the island.

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