Chapter 9: The Blade of Eternity

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Everything in her body ached. 

It was almost sunset and Natalia felt like she was going to collapse any moment. She didn't know how many hours had passed since there didn't seem to be any clocks around but it was close to dusk. The warm orange sun cast its majestic beams over the island, reflecting off of the marvellous architecture. A light breeze also began to circulate and it felt soothing against Natalia's sticky skin.

She had been at the training grounds for the majority of the morning and then had to follow Joan to the grand library. She gave some sort of lecture in Ancient Greek, no less, to a filled lecture room. From what Natalia could understand, it was something about astronomy and physics.

For someone who only seemed to have two emotions - anger and nonchalance, she was very intelligent. Joan almost seemed like a different person when she was lecturing. Natalia even saw her smile and cracked a joke which was something Natalia never expected to see.

The long day of activities was finally over and Joan led Natalia to the dining grounds. Everyone trickled in from all corners of the island and gathered near the hearth for their communal meal. It was just like last time - a happy scene with plenty of food and wine to go around.

The Council and the Queen sat at the head table as usual and she saw two seats empty on either side of the Queen. Natalia's heart skipped a beat knowing the Queen saved a seat for her again.

"If you moved any slower, I'm sure a sloth could outrun you."

Natalia rolled her eyes and kept trudging behind Joan. She didn't have the energy to give a retort back.

Natalia hung her new dagger around her hips and gripped it as she painfully walked up the stairs to the head table. She felt secure with her new weapon even though she didn't really know how to use it to its full potential.

They made it to the table and stood beside the Queen and bowed. The Queen greeted them with a big smile and ushered them both to sit down.

"Well, Joan. How was your day with Natalia? I'm sure it couldn't have gone that bad?" Queen Yesenia asked humorously.

Joan blushed all across her face and down her neck before answering. "It was fine, my Lady. She didn't cause any problems." Joan reported.

"And what about you, Natalia? How was your day? You seem awfully exhausted, my dear." The Queen seemed quite concerned about Natalia's tired state.

"It was tiring but quite fun if I say so myself. We spent most of our time at the training grounds where I picked up my new training weapon and then an hour or so at the library where Joan gave her lecture."

"Ah yes, Joan delivers many lectures during the week. You must tell me more about your weapon though after dinner!" The Queen patted Natalia's hand.

Dinner was a delightful event. Everything had so much flavour and the wine was different today - cherry fragrance with a little bit of warmth. Back home, her mother never really let her drink more than a glass when guests came over or when they had a special dinner so she took advantage today and drank a few goblets full. It didn't make her overly drunk but her spirits were lifted and the ache in her body bothered her less.

The only thing that flooded her mind, however, was the chance to be alone with her Majesty again. She was giddy with excitement almost like a child on Christmas Eve eagerly waiting the night to open presents. She wanted to tell the Queen about her weapon and learn more about its history.

She had a feeling it was no ordinary dagger but she didn't know why no one was able to use it before her.

After dinner, the Queen led Natalia back to her chambers. The fireplace inside and the lanterns with their warm glow made her relaxed instantly.

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