ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤?

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"So Livia, what's it like at Beauxbatons?" Kol questioned, wiping the cream from his butterbeer from the top of his lips with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"It's different, like really different," Livia started. All three of them stared at her waiting for her to continue with her sentence.

"It's rather large, easy to get lost in and it's made of marble. Every little part of our castle is polished and tidy." Livia continued, lifting her butterbeer to her lip and taking a sip.

"We need to visit Beauxbatons, it sounds so beautiful," Harlow stated, while staring at Livia with amazement, her chin resting on her knuckles as her elbows supported her body weight.

"I'd rather come here, it's really beautiful. It's just naturally beautiful, it's so homey," Livia says.

Most of their conversations were about Livia's life back in France, her family and her classes back at Beauxbatons. Until Cedric started to talk about quidditch, Livia had never even been on a broom, back home they never learned it was 'lady like' Madam Maxime stated. When the boy found out they tried to convince Livia to learn with them one day, which Livia agreed to but she'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit she was scared.

"So any of you enter the tournament?" Livia asked, wondering if anyone she knew was going to enter.

"I've been thinking about it," Cedric replied, as he spun his spoon around the empty glass jug his butterbeer was in.

"Well, my father wants me to do it, but I don't know myself," Cedric explained, furrowing his eyebrows.

Livia placed her hand on Cedric's shoulder, he smiled at Livia's touch. He felt comfort when he was near her and the same went for her.

"Do it for yourself Ced not others, okay," Livia says, as she looked into his misty grey eyes she loves so dearly.

"I'll think about it," Cedric replied, offering a warm smile. That smile that made Livia feel something. Happiness? Joy? Maybe even love? She doesn't even know herself.

"It's nearly 7 we should be heading back, you coming Livia?" Cedric asked, as he offered her his hand.

Livia stood up wrapping her silk robe around her and accepting his hand, locking their fingers together.

"Cya guys! Nice to meet you Livia, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow," Harlow said, smiling at them both, when she noticed their hands were linked together.

"Au revoir!" Livia waved to both of her new friends, Harlow and Kol.

They walked out of the inn and followed the path back toward Hogwarts which was covered in thick snow.

"They like you," Cedric whispered in Livia's ear, which sent a shiver down her spin. The effect he had on her, she'd never felt this way about anyone.

"That's good," Livia replied, resting her head on Cedric's shoulder. Which made her heart fill with joy.

She finally admitted to herself, she's developing feelings for the Hufflepuff golden boy, Cedric Diggory.

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