Chapter 8- Drain it

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"The good news is," Person 3 said, "Is that only the sole of my shoe is burned off. Thank goodness I wore them!"

"SOMEONE HELP US!" Brianna hollered as she and Adaline finally earned 97 points, with the Pegapuppy at 93.

"On it!" everyone else said, picking up consoles and beating the Pegapuppy, instantly earning 106 more points with 5 people.

The thing was, the lava was still at the 4/5 mark.

As the Pegapuppy was defeated, they upgraded and defeated another one. And another one. And more. At one point they even had to defeat another Alicat.

And with all of that, with all of their 77941 points, the stupid lava was still at 10/23 way full.


After HOURS more of hard work, earning points became easier and the lava drained, opening a pathway...

To a room. With a computer. That Alice was filming herself in.

The chair slowly creaked around. "Congrats!" Alice said in a horribly cheerful voice. "You may go."

With a snap of her fingers, she returned them all to their houses.

Alice's National Holidays: National Cake, Computer, Wear Brown DayWhere stories live. Discover now