Chapter 10-Splat

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Nathalia walked out the door to assault Adaline.


Brown paint. Everywhere. Flooding the town. Because of that stupid plane. With Alice dumping paint. UGH! This was all totally Adaline's fault.

Nathalia stomped around, knee-deep in brown paint. She stomped all the way to Adaline's house. Halfway there, she realized she was now waist deep. Which meant she could swim!

Or maybe not.

The paint cover her face and Nathalia desperately hoped it wasn't permanent. Not such a good idea after all.

Nathalia closed the distance between her's and Adaline's house, only to have a wall of paper blast her back to where she started. She said some words she probably shouldn't have.

What's this? "Come to the park! Wear Brown Day Party!" Well, at least the park had a fence that will block the paint!

The fence had been knocked over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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