Chapter One: "Welcome to Hawkins High"

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"Lunar get your ass in this car right now!" Lunar's mother screams at her from the parking lot outside of the abandoned store. Lunar groans as she stands up and chunks the beer can behind the car she was setting on with her friends. She reluctantly moves toward her mother's vehicle and prepares herself for the ass-chewing that was coming her way.  She slides into the passenger seat slamming the door behind her for dramatic effect. Her mother peels out of the parking lot screaming at the top of her lungs "what is your problem, Do you think you are going to get anywhere hanging out with those losers?" "I don't care what you think carol." Lunar spat at her mother using her name to hurt her. "You have no idea how much trouble I went through to find you, you need to pull your head out of your ass lunar! you have so much ahead of you if you would just listen to me! Where is my little girl who was going to be a doctor? All you care about is that devil music and getting drunk!"  Her mother pleaded and took her eyes off the road to look at her daughter. "And if you would listen to me you would know that I don't want to be some hot shot doctor and your little girl has been gone for a long time!" "Lunar I just want the best for you" Her mother spoke through her tears. "Well, I fucking hate-----" 



Lunar jolted upright in her bed, wiping the sweat from her forehead she tried to catch her breath. When she finally calmed down she looked over at her alarm clock: 6:02 am. Groaning from lack of sleep she throws her covers back and hops out of her bed. she knew she wasn't going to go back to sleep, so she opened the door and headed down the hall to the bathroom passing her unconscious aunt on the couch, where an array of empty liquor containers were strung about. she bumped into max who was coming out the bathroom with tissue to her nose. 

"Woah" max jumped "what are you doing up so early?" she questioned lunar "can't sleep might as well get up and start the day, hey are you okay?" Lunar asked reaching to look at max's noise. "I'm fine" Max pulled away from her cousin "it's just a nose bleed," she said as she rushed down the hallway to her room. Lunar sighed and entered the bathroom closing the door behind her. She turned on the shower and began to undress. She let the hot water hit her skin as she closed her eyes and tried to get the images of the accident out of her head. 

Lunar had managed to shower, do her hair and makeup, and throw on her clothes in time to grab her younger cousin and head to the school for her first day at Hawkins on time. Max grabbed Lunar's hand and squeezed it " I know this really sucks to start over like this but I am here for you and school won't be too awful." Lunar put her vehicle in park outside the front doors of the high school, she smiled at her cousin "thank you." They both exited the vehicle and max led Lunar to the office for her to grab her schedule.

"Hello miss. Mayfield" The principal greeted Lunar with a smile. "Hi" you replied with a small wave. "I have taken it upon myself to find you a tour guide for the day to kind of help you navigate the hallways of Hawkins High. I know it's the last day before spring break but he should help you kinda get where you need to be." The principal went on and handed you your schedule for the rest of the year.  "Thanks" you replied half-heartedly. "Where is that bo--" the principal began to look around as a tall boy with long dark brown hair and a leather jacket with a denim vest over it walked into the office "Sorry I'm late, sweetheart" He grinned mischievously at the principal. rolling his eyes "Mr.Munson if you want to stay in my good graces I need you to take this seriously" He scolded the boy. This is Miss. Lunar Mayfield, our newest Hawkins tiger, and I expect you to show her around today." "Hello, beautiful I'm Eddie" The boy addressed you holding out his hand for you to shake. Lunar rolled her eyes "alright, can we get this moving."  Lunar headed toward the door looking at her schedule as Eddie snatched it from her hands as well as opened the door with the other hand. 

"Welcome to our little slice of hell." Eddie gestures to the empty halls of the high school. "looks like we will be spending our last year here together" He winked at you. "can I have my schedule back please?" you reached for the piece of paper Eddie pulled it away again before you could get it. "This little game of keep-away usually works on the other girls?" you asked a little annoyed with this man's antics. "Always" He winked, "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted, it seems we have the same classes together." Eddie continued. "oh great," Lunar said sarcastically. "Fiesty, just how I liked them." Eddie smiled. 

you couldn't help but smile at this boy's attempt to flirt with you. After finally getting back your schedule Eddie showed you around school and to your shared classes. When you finally got through the first four classes, you and Eddie parted ways to go. You were heading to your locker and bumped into a cute girl with short hair and a green blazer on. "shit" she grumbled under her breath rubbing her head. "my bad" you laughed rubbing the newly forming bump on your head. She looked up at you and smiled "no worries it was honestly my fault I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." "I am Robin," She said extending her hand. "Lunar" You smiled shaking her hand. "are you new? I haven't seen you around and in Hawkins you kind of know everyone." She questioned following me towards my locker. "Yes, I am Max Mayfield's cousin, I just moved here." You replied as you stopped in front of your locker. "I know max, she is one of my friend's friends." She smiled. "Oh okay," you responded "Well we could head to the lunch hall together and get to know each other. I know how it is to not have anyone to talk to and to be new.." Robin began to ramble. "I would like that." You smiled shutting your locker and heading to the cafeteria with your new friend.

You entered the cafeteria and it was like every other cafeteria with cliques at different tables, The jocks, the burnouts, the nerds, etc. You and Robbin walked to the line to grab some food and then to find a table. That girl sure could talk, she was going on and on about max, and the gang, and some guy named Steve. You couldn't help but search the crowded room for Eddie. You found him setting at a table with his feet prompt up reading from a magazine with a bunch of other boys wearing the same shirt as him. you recognize Mike and Dustin from the times you had come to visit Max before. You interrupted Robbin who was going on about something to do with ice cream. "Hey, I am going to go say Hi to some people real quick." She nodded "okay I will be over here." she set down and you put your tray down by her and walked over to say hello to Dustin and Mike. You couldn't help but admire Eddie on the way over to the table he was kind of handsome and goofy. By the time you reached them he had jumped on the table and was screaming something along the lines of "Shooting balls into laundry baskets." That made you laugh but upset one of the boys in a letterman jacket. "You got a problem Freak" The jock screeched at Eddie. Eddie mocked him by making devil horns with his fingers and sticking his tongue out.  

You laughed out loud catching the metalhead's attention. He jumped down from the table in front of you "just couldn't stay away could you?" he winked "Oh don't you know it." you rolled your eye and pushed him aside. When Mike and Dustin saw you they jumped up "Lunar" they screamed and embraced you in a hug. "hey boys" you giggled and returned the embrace. "I am so happy to see yall" you laughed " us too!" they said in union breaking the hug to look at you. Eddie looked at the boys in curiosity. 

You three caught up for a little while and then parted ways. You caught Eddie staring and winked at him causing him to kind of look shocked. you laughed and went back to Robin.


The new girl just winked at me Eddie thought to himself, he then turned his attention to Dustin and Mike who were chatting among themselves. "You two know the new girl" Eddie questioned the boys. "yeah that's our friend's cousin," Dustin answered. "she just moved here because her mother passed away in an accident and she had nowhere else to go," Mike added. "She is a spitfire." Eddie smiled looking toward Lunar as she set talking with Robin and fixing her long red hair into a ponytail. 

"She is hot" Garrett chimed in earning him a glare from Eddie. "I have a proposition for you two" Eddie addressed the boys.  "Invite her to tonight's hell fire meeting since Sinclair has decided to bail." "I don't know" Mike stuttered "yeah, we don't even know if she plays." Dustin chimed in. "Just do it." Eddie snapped leaning back and placing his arms behind his head.

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